78. Cole

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"Are you sure she's in here?" The police asks.

"Yes" I answer. We stands outside an old house, my old house. Directly when James sent the picture of Hannah I recordgnize the background. The background I used to play in. 

I called the police. Me, three policemen and an ambulance went her. The cops said that I didn't have to come, but I couldn't leave Hannah. I needed to get her safe.

The cops kicks the door open and points their guns up. In one of the corners I sees Hannah, her hands are bound and she sleeps. The other door opens up and James stands still.

"Hands up" One of the cops scream. James smiles and picks up a glass bottle. I scream in panic but before I gets to Hannah he has hit her head. The cops runs after James and puts him on the ground. 

The ambulance workes helps me tie up Hannahs knot and take her to the ambulance. I sit beside her and are really worried. Please say that she's okay. 

I have been sitting in the waiting room in a couple of hours now. Hannah has been operated so I have just been sitting her and waiting.

A doctor walks towards me with a disk against his chest.

"Are you Cole Sprouse?" He asks and I nod.

"The surgery went well, Hannah is okay with minor injuries thanks to her quick rescue" He says and smile. I stands up in happiness, she's okay. 

"When can I meet her?" I ask excited. 

"Now, if you want to. She has just woken up" The doctor answers. I nod and follow the doctor through the corridors. He stops outside a room and opens the door.

I see a big hospital bed. Hannah lays in the bed and looks out the windows. The doctor nods at me and leaves us alone. 

"Hi, Hannah" I say softly. 

"Thank you" Hannah says. 

"For what?" I ask.

"For saving my life" She answers. I walk towards her and give her a soft hug. She cries a little against my shoulder.

"Cole" Hannah starts slowly.

"Yeah" I mumble.

"If you want another chance I can give you one" She says.

"That's all I want" I say. I press my lips against hers and it feels like magic.

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