Rules and Rating guidelines

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Ok first off, let me tell you all how I'm rating these. The 10 on here are rated by me finding entertainment in them, readability(I don't have to think what their trying to say), and how I pay attention to their uploads or how quickly I read one. I will also add a small description of what they are about for everyone to understand what their about.

Guidelines to be part of this are that the main ship has to be Izuocha with it being the main ship. So if it starts Izuocha and diverges later into something different with these two no longer being a ship, it's out. But if it starts different and merges to Izuocha, I'll allow it. Also, no harem stories will be added for obvious reasons. Mine won't be on here also since it's crap to put your own on these.

For multiple entries in this, I will only add an author twice in this without counting sequels to a story to make things fair. In short, an entry is fine if I put an author twice with a two part book being one of them. One will not be fine if it is a third work I've put by an author in ranks. Any books in this that are two parts will be added in the description.

Lastly, I will add a link to the story and the writer for those that want to see their works. It's only fair that I give you all the ability to read these works because I would want you to see them. With that said, lets begin the countdown.

My Top 10 Izuocha FicsWhere stories live. Discover now