All Time Favorite

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So before I say the last one, I want to give a shout out to all Izuocha fanfics that are out there. I can't list them all, but I do respect the ship and hope to find many more great works and work on some of those myself as well. Now for number 1, we have *Drum roll*

Izuocha one shot (Izuku x Ochako) by kitetenjo63

So this isn't really a story, more like a collection of oneshots the guy does. But I always find myself going in an reading them to my interest. Each one of the stories are about a different scenario that happens for the most part and aren't to painfully long. Their ones that you can just sit back and read to your content if you ever want to make a quick read of something Izuocha related. For those that don't like lemons also, his stuff doesn't have any of that. Just cuteness regarding the duo in different situations that I always love to read that is rated T for teen.

Thank you all for reading this and I hope everyone that have seen this gives the authors the respect they deserve. This was literally a project for having an extra day off of work. Hope you all enjoyed my top 10 favorites.

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