Soundless Screams/Muffled Screams

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In 5, we have the two part book Soundless Screams and Muffled Screams by firejuuu

Soundless Screams is about Izuku and Ochako being teleported to a room with Shiguraki threatening them to kill their parents and loved ones in their houses with bombs is they don't comply and become villains who work for him. Knowing they don't have a choice, they agree to it. By day, they train as heroes. But when they finish, they become nothing more than criminals that make them go against everything they believe in. They regularly get beaten by Shiguraki to a point they start to question if they'll ever survive this hell and become what they still wanted to.

Muffled Screams takes place 2 years after Soundless with the duo being kidnapped again and forced into a docile quirkless life in a prison by Shiguraki for over a decade. During that time, they have twins and escape thanks to some help. Now with their lives ruined, they wish to allow their children the chance they were never able to fulfill and become heroes like they once dreamed.

The story is sad for them because the only sanity they have is the other in it. They find comfort in each other with doing small things that they could just to keep themselves sane and who they are. It is painful to read them walk down this path after working so hard to get where they are, but the fact they live their lives the best they can makes this piece beautiful to me.

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