Day 87

455 23 5

May 22nd, 1940.


Dear, Harry:

For years all I ever thought about was marrying you someday. It hurts a little
knowing we probably won't get to do that. We ended so terribly and it feels like the only reason we did, was because we were just so young and not ready.

Well, that's what my mum said to me a while ago. She adores us so much and loves the relationship we grew together to have; But that we rushed too fast and just probably weren't ready. We were young and were still learning. She thought maybe we didn't know much about love and that's why we got together.

Though she maybe right, what me and you had will always be special. We showed each other what it's like to love. What it's like to feel loved by someone you would cherish your whole life with. I know that I would never, not even till the day I die, ever change a thing. I love you more than you could ever know. We will try. We will try and if it doesn't work, it won't change the love we had for each other. We will never forget each others first loves. We will love each other till infinity.

Love, Louis.

Hope you liked this chapter!.xX

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