꧁Teir Abhaile Riu!꧂

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             Alright, hello there lads and lasses! One of my many headcannons, is that Elizabeth and Letvia come from a small underwater village. (This is because their selkies... But that's a headcannon for another day!) Currently the village is holding the 'Spring Equinox festival'. One of it's custom's includes singles to invite friends and/or family to dance with them, while the town cheers them on. Also it's a bit of a "declaration of love " to dance with another up there (Be it romantic or friendship-y). However, this will probably be Elizabeth's last one for a while, as she's going to Bandaway to train to become one of Altered's knights.


*Elizabeth eagerly runs up to dance, much to Letvia's curiousity* *Elizabeth preceeds to go into the ceremonial dancing circle, to sing a prepared song*

    Look how the light of the town
the lights of the town are shining now 
Tonight I'll be dancing around
I'm off on the road to Bandway now 

      Look how she's off on the town
She's off on a search for soldiers though
*The townsfolk are implying she's looking for someone to go on adventures with, OUTSIDE of the village*
There's fine fellas here to be found 

She's never been one to stay at home *Refers to her desire to get out of the town and see the world* 

     Home you'll go and it's there you'll stay *The village doesn't want her to leave and train to become a swordswoman, instead they want her with them.*
And you've work to do in the morning *Letvia owns a leatherworking buisness she has to work at, because family ties and blood rules of the village demand her to*
Give up your dream of going away
Forget your soldiers and  Bandaway
*A smirk grows on Liz's face as she than realizes her friends are being dramatic*

   Téir abhaile riú, téir abhaile riú
Téir abhaile riú Mhearai
Téir abhail gus fan sa bhaile
Mar tá do mhargadh déanta

(Translation in Index)

*Naghó looks over to Letvia asking if she could dance with her* *A  mysterious  suitor comes up to Letvia and asks if she's single (She's still getting over Dr. J)*

    Come now and follow me down
Down to the lights of Bandaway
*Elizabeth want's to invite Letvia on her journey there, and see the world with her*
There's fine sailors walking the town *Liz takes Voices hands and spins him around while asking him to dance.*  *Also she uses the word 'sailors' instead of soldiers to try and get Letvia to come, as Letvia has a thing for sailors*
And waiting to meet the ladies there 

    Watch now he'll soon be along *Liz's other friends shout towards her, and push V forward before he can reply to the question*
He's finer than any sailors song *Voice proceeds to blush like crazy at the girls comment, and greets Liz *
Come on now pick up your spoons *Younger Gale hands Liz spoons, an actual instrument native to the village.*
He's waiting to hear you play them  WHO! (The village plays the spoons for any new comer that's visiting, to show off the instrument and approve of their presence in the village. In this case 'he' is Voice)

    Here today and she's gone tomorrow *Younger Vantor tries playing the spoons for the first time*
And next she's going to Bandaway *A greenblood quickly taps a rythm*
Jiggin' around and off to that town *Letvia doesn't feel comfortable playing the songsand essentially approving for Liz to leave, so her friend Ionne plays them for her* 
nd won't be back after boarding *Elizabeth will be boarding a boat to get off the island*

Téir abhaile riú, téir abhaile riú

Téir abhaile riú Mhearai
Téir abhail gus fan sa bhaile
Mar tá do mhargadh déanta

Elizabeth: "Aren't you going to at least give the dance a try?"

Letvia: "No thanks,  I'm pretty clumsy so..."

Elizabeth: "You don't need to be graceful, it's really easy. I'll show you!"

Letvia: "No, Liz! I'll mess up."

Elizabeth: "Nobody will make fun of you, I promise."

Elizabeth and Letvia: *Actually dance really well together*

Elizabeth: "That was really good, again!"

A mysterious force watches from the shadows...


 Téir abhaile riú, téir abhaile riú
Téir abhaile riú Mhearai
Téir abhail gus fan sa bhaile
Mar tá do mhargadh déanta

Go home too, go home again

Come home to Mearai

Go home to stay at home

Because your match is made!  (Basically, whatever matchup thing is going on with her and Voice, it doesn't matter as she needs to stay at home, as her match is with her family and kinsmen.)  

Bandaway- It's infamous for prouducing the finest swordkeepers and combatants. Liz has to go here if she wants to get a higher education, in the art of the sword. She and Voice, will be heading there to train, as they were assigned to be battle partners. Bandaway is also Voice's Hometown.

The gals in the playing the music- Liz's childhood friends Naghó (Violin) and Eastrín (Harp)

Mearai - Letvia and Elizabeth's village

About Selkies:  Selkies  are creatures from Scottish, Irish, and Faroese mythology and folklore tales. It is said that Selkies are cursed creatures and that they are seals when they are in the water, but when they are on the land, they shed their skin and become human. Also if a someone picks up a selkie's seal skin, the selkie must marry said person. However most selkies keep their seal skin really wll hidden!

In this case, the Selkie people shed there seal skins (They have clothes on underneath!) and went to the beach to celebrate the Equinox

Elizabeth's selkie name is Loreley and Letvia's is just Letvia.

...Eventually I want to do something with this song for Liz;  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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