Author's note

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I am HellYeah_13, I've always loved writing and it always seems like I'm able to express myself better in English than in my first language, that's the reason I felt like I had to try and post something here.

I discovered Teen Wolf and it's fandom about a year ago and I was sold almost immediately. And like every decent fangirl, I have some neversinking ships. Sterek, if you didn't realize that already, is one of them.

I don't know if there are actually still people on here who read Sterek fics, but I just really wanted to get my stories out there and see if people liked them. My dream is to be a published writer one day, that's why, if you read this, some feedback and constructive criticism would be great! 

I'm gonna shut up now, but if you're still here, thank you for actually considering reading my story.

XXX - HY_13

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