Payback time BITCH UwU

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Kody P.O.V)

My other self Zack and(not in the actual story of lumine just running wild with my imagination)Jaxon reacted to Lumine when he had walked into the room.He blushed a lot and then he let out a blood curdling scream.Then I rushed to his side and put my hand over his mouth and then dad walked in and he said stuff but I didnt really pay attention and then I explained it to him and then Zack reacted and then Zack said"Where were we~?".Then I came to my normal senses and I apologized.Then Lumine said"Yes Daddy~Then Zack responded for me and he said"Ok~Anything for you baby."Then he started kissing his neck then we discovered a very sensitive spot.And he moand loudly and we respond with a geez loud are we sweetheart~"I dont know why he has so many pet names for him.And then I got control of my body.And then I ended up apologizing.And then I noticed something about him and it didnt have anything to do with his upper region.It was with his bottom region...And I asked him if he wanted me to help him with it.He said"FUCK NO!!!"YOU HELPED ENOUGH WITH CREATING IT!"I was laughing my ass off at his reaction.And then I heard him mumble something like saying he liked it though.

Welp.. now that he has gone and done that he now has to pay...and I know just I had this problem down north to deal with..(after THAT)Hey kody!"K says"What?!"I say "I need help!"and I had set up the perfect trap.It was ALL of his dirty clothes that stunk HORRIBLY might I add and I dug a little hole just big enough to fit like maybe 2 german sheperds and one his room...courtesy to my wolf powers and i had aso covered it with part of the hardware floor...and I yelled for him.."KODY!"Come here and i backed away from where the spot was..He came up the stairs..and I screamed as if i was getting raped (or some shit) and he came dashing to my aid,tripping over who knows what,he came tumbling on the floor and landed right where i wanted him,and lets just say he "fell" for it (XD) and he was pissed.So i had the courage to actually say"THAT'S WHAY YOU GET WHEN YOU TRIED TO FUCK ME!" and i laughed my ass off.

After my little prank I turned into my puppy form,and tried to run:key word:TRIED,as soon as i did that I felt a threatening aura behind me.It was himHe was gonna kill me.Oof.Never should have messed with Kody...It was...Jaxon?I think.He said imediatley.(i forgot how to spell ;-;)Jaxon said"Ooo~ its the puppy~hm..What to do,what to do.Oh~Now I know..He started messing with the hem of my shirt...and then the hem of my pants and boxers...(Cliffhanger)wiggles eyebrows*Cringy i know.But thx for 42 reads!!This means so much to me!THX!;-; T~T i love allof my cute potatoes!Good night or good day!P.S Love yall and I have another book,plz go show it wome love and support sorry for the interruption,Have a good day my sweets potatoes-edit from Yandere author~chan.

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