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Lumine P.O.V)

Welp.. now that he has gone and done that he now has to pay...and I know just how...now I had this problem down north to deal with..(after THAT)Hey kody!"K says"What?!"I say "I need help!"and I had set up the perfect trap.It was ALL of his dirty clothes that stunk HORRIBLY might I add and I dug a little hole just big enough to fit like maybe 2 german sheperds and one husky.....in his room...courtesy to my wolf powers and i had aso covered it with part of the hardware floor...and I yelled for him.."KODY!"Come here and i backed away from where the spot was..He came up the stairs..and I screamed as if i was getting raped (or some shit) and he came dashing to my aid,tripping over who knows what,he came tumbling on the floor and landed right where i wanted him,and lets just say he "fell" for it (XD) and he was pissed.So i had the courage to actually say"THAT'S WHAY YOU GET WHEN YOU TRIED TO FUCK ME!" and i laughed my ass off.

When he started messing with the hem of my boxers I knew he was just horny.So I tried to jump off of him but he kept me locked in place.

Hewo...sowwy I haven't updated I kinda lost interest for a while but I'm back HOES!

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