chapter 6

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The next couple of weeks where a blur. Alec hadn't been to school since that night, Peyton however still came to school. Speaking of which things between him and Dustin seem to be going good from what I understood. They had been taking things slow for now but I could tell that they both really liked each other. I couldn't help but become more and more curious about Alec, I had thought about asking Peyton, but decided against it not wanting to seem like a creep. I couldn't get that damned angel out of my head, after what had happened the night he dropped me off, I started letting my mind wonder. I'd wake up hot and bothered thinking about what could've happened if he would've just kissed me.

"Hello? Earth to Danny." I looked up at Dustin who held a slightly concerned look on his face. My cheeks heated at the embarrassment of my own thoughts.

"Are you good?" He cocked a brow.

"Yes I'm fine just thinking." I looked down and stabbed my fork into one of the pieces of broccoli I had on my lunch tray.

"Oohhh, I see." Dustin mocked. Ugh I really hate myself. After the encounter with Alec I told Dustin however I didn't tell him about the daydreaming; he had unfortunately figured it out for himself after I fell asleep in his car. God that was embarrassing.

"Having another naughty daydream?" He cooed. The girl sitting three seats down choked on her lunch.

"Shut up." I growled, Dustin laughed as he stood up with his tray in hand. The bell rang as we both made our way to the trash cans.

"God the last thing I wanna do is go to AP Lang." I huffed out. Dustin looked down at me with a mischievous smile,"Skip?"
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right my dad kill me." We parted ways at the lunchroom doors and I head towards Mr. Huff's class.


Half way through Mr. Huff's class I had started to doze off when there was a knock at the door. The teacher quickly got up from his desk and opened the door greeting the principal.

"Well hello Mr. Brooks, to what to we owe the pleasure?" Mr Huff smiled. The principal walked in halfway through the door revealing a student standing behind him. I couldn't make out who it was, my curiosity was peaked. Mr. Huff and Mr Brooks spoke briefly too quiet for me to hear.

"Okay everyone we're having a student transfer into our class." Mr. Huff motioned towards the door. The principal dismissed him self before turning to leaving and my eyes feel on the student in question.

Oh hell no.

Chase met my gaze from across the classroom, my face heating in frustration. I thought that I had finally caught a break when I found out I didn't have any classes with him, but now this. Ugh, fuck my life.

"Ah Chase you can take the empty seat next to Danny." The teacher gestured towards me. My eyes grew wide as a looked at Mr. Huff who smiled at me softly. Looking back at Chase he bore the same 'deer in headlights' look on his face as I did.

"Well are you gonna take your seat?" Mr. Huff questioned, and I could've snapped his neck right there. Chase nodded as he walked towards me, to the desk that was pushed right up against mine. I let out an annoyed sigh as I met Chase's gaze again, his eyes full of worry. I turned away looking back up at the teacher counting the minutes until class was over.

At some point I had dozed off again and was woken up by Chase nudging my arm.

"Dan class is over." Nervousness filled his voice. I lifted my head giving him a quick glance before shoving my books in my bag.

"Thanks" I stated flatly.

"Do you have a class after this?" His voice was laced with caution as he stood up. I was take aback by his question and looked at him dumbfounded. "No?" Was all I could manage as I stared at him.

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