Chapter 3

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Before I start the chapter, I just want y'all to know her name ISN'T pronounced like Ariel(Air-ree-uhl) it's pronounced Arielle (Are-e-yell) ok? ok.
Arielle's POV

"Baby! Wake up!" I hard being yelled. I got up rubbing my eyes

"You ok?" Jacob asked

"Yea, why?" I frowned

"You're sweating like crazy!" He pointed out. I lifted up and seen a pool of sweat. I frowned even more and got up.

"What time is it?" I asked

"11 AM" He told me. I stretched before going to get a new sheet from the basement. Mid way up the stairs, I threw up. Jacob rushed to my side.

"Are you ok?" He asked as I shook my head no. He took the sheet and ran upstairs for a while. A couple minutes later, he picked me up and took me to bed.

"I'll clean it up don't worry about it" He said kissing my forehead. "Wanna go to the hospital" He asked as I shook my head no. My head began to bang and my headache formed. I laid restless on my pillow and curled up.

"I'll make you something to eat. I'll be right back" He said leaving out. I shut and rested my eyes for a good 5 minutes before my phone rung. I checked the caller ID and it was unknown. I hesitantly answered.

"Um..hello?" I answered

"Arielle" I heard from a familiar voice on the other end

"Yea who this?" I asked sounding ghetto. I heard a chuckle on the other line.

"It's your mom" I heard. It got quiet.

My mom and I haven't had the best relationship after one, she let her husband molest me and get away with it, and two, she disapproved of Jacob and I's relationship as teens and even now. My mom remarried after my dad died when he was called to service when I was 18. Her husband, Kaleb, my "stepdad" is the worst person in the world to me. He is a lazy no good man who uses my mom. I hate him more than anyone on earth.

"Hello?" She said getting my attention

"Um yea, hey what's up?" I asked

"I just wanted to check on my baby, how are you?" She asked

"Blessed." I said plainly. It got silent so I rolled my eyes "And yourself?" I mumbled

"I'm good, I called to ask you a favor" She said

"Um sure." I said annoyed. Usually my mom calls me to ask for money. I give it to her of course but it's reluctantly.

"Can you watch Ava later?" She asked.

Ava is my 5 year old half-sister. Kaleb and my mom's daughter. Just because she's my half sister and the child of Kaleb, doesn't mean I love her any less. She's my heart. I spend time with her here and there but it's not that often due to me and my mom barely talking. I sighed and rested my head on my headboard.

"Sure. What time?" I asked

"Around 1 till about 7, I'll drop her off but I also ask you bring her back here" She asked. I rubbed my temples

"Okay mom" I replied stalely.

"Great. See you at 1, love you." She said. I hung up on her and slugged out of bed to brush my teeth. I did that briefly before returning back to bed resting my eyes a bit.

Jacob's POV

After cleaning up Arielle's spit up, I went downstairs to cook for her. Before, I fed Mercades and put food and water in her bowl before she laid down. I began to make pancakes, brown sugar oatmeal and turkey bacon, her favorite.

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