Chapter 1

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"learn your place, 'Hiccup'," with the last hit from Snotlout, they left me on the cold ground.

Hello, the names Hiccup Haddock III, if your wondering why I was beaten, I am not the type of viking. I am the runt of my village and tribe, I even embarrassed my families name, my dad never appreciate to what I've done, he is the chief of our tribe. This makes it worse for me, he gives out to me if I'm helping everyone in the raids, no matter how many times I tried, it goes all down hill. I create an unforgiving mess, my people look down on me in disappointment. My life was no longer fun anymore, I use to be close friends with Astrid Hofferson, but each passing year, we become separate, I'm not sure if we're friends either.

I lay there, letting the storm's tears soaking my clothes, ask curled up to a ball shivering in the freeing cool. Standing up, I wasn't bothered to go back to the house, instead, I wandered to the forest, getting myself loss
in purpose, I never deserve to be in a house. Finding an empty cave, I entered the hollow opening where it's cold yet, at least it's dry there. I entered the cave, it was still freezing, hiding myself in the corner so no one can find me, I'm just a disgrace to everyone.

'I hate my life, so much,' my eyes felt heavy as they shut closed, curled up again to keep as much warmth in me.


I woke up, expecting I will be freezing, yet I felt something small and warm, actually I felt something more than that. Opening my eyes, I spotted three Terrible Terrors, sleeping all around me, just cuddling me, keeping their body heat maintained. I couldn't move as the small three reptiles are very close to me, my heart is pounding hard, shoving them away from, just to get some space for me to move. But, I regret everything, they all rip out their eyes, facing at me. Closing my eyes, ignoring their present and waiting for any attack.

I was expecting for any signs aggression, then again, I didn't heard a single growl of anger. Out of curiosity, breaking my eyelids, finding the reason, I saw the three dragons, staring at me with their beady eyes. They seem not care about, they just seemed to be appalled at me, like I'm one of them! The sky's clear, so I should head back, I tried to walk past them, and they obliged of me going back, then they gave me room to move out of the cavern.

The bright flares of the sun, blinded me, I stand my ground to have my eyes adjust to the light, once cleared, I looked around, finding a path, Which I presumed that I took to come here in this cave. Taking that path, I let my sight, wonder around the green background, nothing but tree, bushes and many vegetation, yet it is good to have some peace and quiet. I wish I have that, sadly I only have very little, at least little is better than nothing.

I finally arrive back to my hell, the ground is all wet, there are many patches of muck everywhere. Everyone were all outside, doing their own business, some chatting, some replenishing the soil for crops, so on and so on. I feel a bit cold, and all I did was ignore it, passing through the tracks, people stares at me, I endure it, putting my head down in shame, for being here. I kept following the path until I reached to my house, I do hope father isn't in the house, he might do something to me again.

Pushing the door out of the way, I was lucky that dad is not here, probably doing duties as being chief, I'm glad he is. But that doesn't mean it's good for me either, you would know by now, I head towards upstairs, and entering my room. It's usually dark, because I always keep the windows closed, I really don't like having the light shine through my only privacy.

"Ngh, not this again!" out of now where, it started to happen, my heart becomes heavy as my mind is clouded, by them! The voices, they're coming back! 'Useless! Disgrace! Hopeless!' the voices, they're back again. I felt myself losing my mind, till the last phrase... from my own father, Stoick, 'Go and die, you're no son of mine!' It soon became unbearable to handle, my head turn dizzy, all I did was collapsed to my knees, and placing head to the side of my head, doing my best to ignore the voices inside me.

Using all of my will, I search for something that should relief me, running to my bed, I found the one I was looking for, my dagger. Holding it tightly, I let the cool metal touch my, and immediately slid the blade across my skin, my body begun leaking a dark shaded of crimson out of the latest would I inflicted to myself. While my blood leaves, the voices, become shallower, until, they vanished out from my mind, and returning the steel blade back to it's place.

It was quiet, all the time, nothing that is lively in here, not even myself. *Growl*. Oh! I must have forgot that I haven't ate anything this mourning, nut I still have the fear of the other vikings, starring at me, it makes my spine tingles, and it felt uneasy. I head outside from my house, where the frigid cold, blew towards me, and the crispy wind grazed by skin, sending me shivers up my spine.

I head straight to the hall, then walked right in front of the giant doors that  will be hard to move. I managed to give myself enough space to slip right through, this also caught everyone's attention, just for a moment, and of they went, back to their conversation. I pass by to all my people, finding the buffet table, sadly that has one more large meal for a viking like them, but not me. 'Maybe I should,' filling my plate until it's full. It wouldn't be so hard to consume a few more kilograms of food, leaving the and heading back to the house.

I place my platter on the dinning table, taking a chicken wing, then took a huge mouthful of the bird's meat. Sadly, all the food has no flavor in them, bet I was determined to finish every morsel.

I finished everything in the plate, my stomach was so full, I could barely move an inch, suddenly, it hit me. I ran outside, bursting from the door, I sped up towards the nearest trees, hunching forward. Puking all of the food I eaten from the meal, spilling all of it onto the bark of the trees.

After everything settled, I returned to the house, only to reveal a Gobber, who is looking for me. "Ahh! There, you are. Where have you been, I was expecting for you to arrive in the forge earlier than me," "Sorry Gobber, is just that I went to get food to eat," I replied.

His face turns suspicious, as he has a feeling that something was off, "Lad? are you okay? You seem quite pale, and skinny as usual, has something bothering you?" he concerned about me, but I brushed it off. "No, it's nothing at-" then, for a second, my legs became weak, causing me to collapsed, luckily I got caught by Gobber's hands. Well, a normal one and a fake one to be exact, "Kid, I think you should lay this one out, you might've been tired, I'll give you a day off, Just tell me if you don't feel good, okay," this made me feel at ease. 

I went upstairs, to back to bed, not even bothered to do anything, anymore.



"Sire, the triplets found a boy, his shape is slim yet curve, it also seems that he's abandoned by his tribe," announced the servant, "Hmm, and what about his identity?" the king asked. "We do not, but we know that this individual might be something different, he maybe frail, how ever, I sense the same aura as yours my king," with that statement. "Well then, he should be suitable for my son, my time will surely come, and I'm glad there will be someone who shall be with him, as the new king,"  his tone had become more calmer at the statement. "You shall go, Alexandrite," the servant left the throne room, only the king is left inside.

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