Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day, 'Huh, did I just slept the whole day, yesterday?' questioning in my thoughts, removing the blanket I stand up, only to feel dazed. My eyes were very fuzzy, I lost my concentration and my focus of standing up, I tried again. Sadly, my body couldn't get up,so, to my surprise, Gobber came to my bedroom, seeing my lay flat on my bed, all boneless.

"Hey laddie, how are you feeling, you weren't anywhere in the village, so I check in your house, then I saw you sleeping in the evening, actually, the whole day, are you really sure you're alright?" So, I was worrying Gobber for a day? Right now, I kinda feel bad for him, "I'm sorry Gobber, I didn't slept we-" I stand up, unfortunately I fell, as my legs are weak.

Then he grabbed a hold on me, keeping me balance, "Hiccup, you ain't okay at all, what's going on with you," Gobber seems more worried than ever at this stage. "I said I'm fine, it sometimes happens, also, is it okay if i use something to hold on to?" I comforted him, trying to keep his adrenaline low. He maybe a viking, but I don't want to stress him every time in his life, "I just need a walking stick, I don't mind people calling me old, and besides, I'm use t that," I lied about everything. I do mind my people calling me names, I'm just like them.

"Fine, but make sure your health is back to normal, I can see that your skin is awfully pale right now, you need some sun on your skin, also you look way to skinny than usual, go and eat some, alright," he demanded. Gobber left to go and find Gothi, she might have something that will help, so, for myself, I stayed in my bed, waiting for his arrival.

Then, there was a knock the door, only to see Gobber with a walking stick, "There you go, Gothi found one, yet she wanted you to visit her, immediately," he handed me a walking stick. Soon he left the house, returning to the forge where he would be. I use the stick for support, luckily, it worked, despite me having weak legs, I managed to keep my stand up.

I went down stairs, entering the what's outside, same as always, I was staggering around while walking to Gothi's hut, which is up at the highest point in berk. The ledge of the town hall's roof, the hall was built inside a mountain, so the path to Gothi spirals upwards. This will be difficult, taking a deep breath, preparing for the worst.

I reached the top of the mountain shaped formation, that has Gothi's hut. She was napping conserving her energy in case, "Uh, Gothi, are you awake?" asking silently, not to shock the elder of Berk off the ground. Her snoring halted, as her eyes began to open, she squinted to adjust the light entering her pupils, finally noticing the fact I'm here, Gothi jumps off the chair she was on, and insisted me to sit down. I oblige, waiting fir she is drawing, 'The moment, I saw you, you look completely different, than the last time, you don't seem to gain weight, and your eyes has dark circles, indicating you didn't sleep, not even a hour of sleep, how come?' My body becomes hot, while my mind is internally screaming in panic mode, "What do you mean Gothi, there's nothing wrong with me,"assuring her that I'm fine.

Her expression changes, and with no warning, she wacks me on the back of my head, "Oww! What was that for?" I whimpered in pain, rubbing the spot where she hit me. She draw symbols, trying to tell me what she was on about, ' just because I am old, doesn't mean I can't read your body language, I'm an expert at everything on medicine, and I have the experience of a professional healer.' She glared at me for lying to her, she then continued to talk, 'Now tell me, what is the matter, the truth!'

Sighing in defeat, I told her what's was wrong, everything. She understand, she knows how I feel, yet, talking to her makes me more relaxed, the more I talk, the better I feel.

'Since your emotionally prepared, could you pull up your sleeves for me?' I grabbed one of the sleeves, exposing the scars I inflicted to myself. She reaches out to to my arm, gently grazing her's on mine.

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