Unknown Beings

482 14 4

3rd person P.O.V.

It's been so long, since Hiccup had ever faced anyone, all he does is nothing. Each night, Hiccup couldn't sleep as he has many nightmares, which caused his eyes have bags under them, and nightmares, where his people left him to be eaten by dragons, and what made things turns from worse to horrible, he could see his father gazing at him, and leaving him behind.

This type of dream caused him to become restless and paranoid, aware of his surroundings by unnecessary means. His body was littered with scars and cuts, committed by his own hands, with drops of crimson, making him more exhausted. He, himself doesn't know what to do, there was no purpose of him living in this hell of a island, but that was all about to change.

Today was the raid, the raid where he shall leave the island of Berk, and into somewhere, a place he can call home, a home where Hiccup can feel free from all the pain.

"DRAGON'S INCOMING!" now everything had turn from dark to bright hues of red and orange appearing through the crack of the room's window. Using all his might to lift his body, shuffling his way down to get in front of the door pulling the rusty door to take a view.

"Good, you got up," the same voice was heard through the loud cries from the vikings and the wheezing of the large reptiles emitting their flames to their foes. "Make your way to the cliff in the forest, we'll cover for you." He listened, calmingly marching in a drunken manner from the fatigue to the forest. As he passes through the crowd and pack of vikings and dragons, and for everyone's reaction of the prince appearing in their sights, they tried to chase him, but was stop by many dragons.

He wasn't aware that the dragons are keeping the people of Berk away from himself, nadders shooting their spines, zipplebacks ejecting their green gas, igniting it to form a temporary wall of fire. The gronkles spewing every drop of their lava contained in their guts, and nightmares casting their flames beside Hiccup, preventing the vikings to secure the former heir and why would they?

Well to their surprise the reptiles aren't who they thought they were, humanoid figure defends the prince, with wielded weapons, axes, hammers, swords, bows, and many kinds of equipment used as their arsenal. This shocks most of the vikings, some couldn't concentrate, while some  others fight however, were taken down.

The petite boy wandered through the forest, looking for the cliff by chance. Soon after a good minute, the humanoid dragons were caught by the boy's sight as he also found the cliff, "good job, we couldn't show ourselves to your people luckily, we broke the rule under one circumstances, to collect, so now, this is your choice, come with us, or decline as we will leave immediately," the voice crept it's way to his ears.

He took a moment to think; was there anyone he cares for him? No. Does anyone care about him if he were to leave? No. Would they be happy if he left? Yes. He had decided to choose what's best, to leave Berk and the pain it gives him from all these years he endured, stumbling towards the feminine figure, accepting the offer. He reached his hand out to the human reptile, as she was about to take his hand, he retreats it because to his disappointment Stock, including the trainers.

"Hiccup, don't move, we'll help you," the chief ushered out from the distance. His mind catches the phrase, repeating it several times, still this never helped Hiccup, it triggered him, severely. "Help?" he asked breaking the moment of silence also sending a chill to all the people in the vicinity. "What do you mean by HELP!" he turn around facing to the peers, the other vikings including his so called father.

"YOU DID NOTHING BUT TORTURE MY LIFE, ALL I WANT IS SOMEONE WHO APPRECIATE MY SENSE OF HOBBIES DESPITE MY LACK OF STRENGTH!" as he yells, his once freckled skin turn pale, his lifeless eyes became vibrant green with hints a blue in them as his hair flutters by no reason and turning to jet black. Not only his features had change, the aura was different, he emits a raging atmosphere, despite, whats more frightening is that his hands a slightly burning up, as blue flames where seen on the palms.

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