My Backstory On That One Cheerleading Connor/Football-Playing Evan AU

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Ok so, to set a few things straight (ha, straight) I'm American (sadly, I freaking hate America) so by football I mean, you know, American football. Also, many of you may not have heard of this AU, although I'm pretty sure it's at least relatively popular. It'll all be explained in the story. Also, this is going to be looooonnnnnng, because it's going to go all the way from why Connor started cheerleading and Evan started playing football, all the way to the, you know, romantic stuff.  Enjoy! -Adrian<3

This is it.

It had finally happened.

Connor's parents were trying to force him to play a sport. 

Junior year (crap, that's what, 12th year in European school? I thought I had watched enough Dan and Phil to know this. Apparently not.)  was starting in a week, and Connor's parents had gotten it into their heads that they could convince Connor to play a sport.

"Connor, honey, it'll be good for you! Just try it," Cynthia pleaded, trying to get her son to buy in to the idea. 

"NO. You know how much I hate sports. I doubt I'll ever even get on the team for anything, I'm terrible at any and all sports. Besides, everyone at school hates me. No way am I going to be on a team with those assholes," Connor snapped back. He just wanted to be left alone.

"Language, son," Larry butted in. "Also, you're playing a sport."

"Thanks for finally showing up, Larry," Cynthia muttered. "Connor, your therapist said it would help. It's this or another medication. I know how much you hate those." Cynthia put her hand on Connor's shoulder. "Please? Just try it?"

Connor sighed. "Ok, Mom. I'll try. I can't promise anything, though. The other kids at school hate me, and I doubt any of the coaches will let me on the team. But I'll try." Connor tried a half-hearted smile up at his mom.

Cynthia smiled and hugged Connor. "Thank you! I just want you to try it, ok? Maybe it'll help a little with everything."

Connor pushed his mom off of him, smiling for real now. "Sheesh, Mom, personal space much?"

Cynthia laughed. "I'm just excited. So, what sport do you want to play? You've got to choose one."


Connor thought back to being a child. When he was little, he never really played any sports. He would much rather stay inside and draw. But...

Connor remembered. Chasing Zoe around outside, learning how to do cartwheels. He had always loved trying to master something new in gymnastics, and he had always been good.

"Cheerleading," Connor said.

Larry looked over at him. "You sure, son?"

Connor smiled. "Absolutely." 

Meanwhile, at the Hansen household...

"Evan, honey, come on! You've got to at least try!"

"N-No. I-I won't," Evan shook his head. Heidi was trying to get him to play a sport. Absolutely no way was he going to do that. So many people, and so much attention...

No. No way.

"Evan, please," Heidi was trying her hardest. She knew that things must be difficult for Evan. "You need to put yourself out there, honey! Being on a team will help you make friends, and you need to get out of the house. You spend all your time holed up in your room, on Tumblr or whatever the heck it is you're on!"

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