A Very Special Sincerely Three Backstory!

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Ok, so I am literally a total whore for any and all poly ships, but ESPECIALLY Sincerely Three. I just love love love love love it. There's also some background Boyf Riends in this because I came up with the idea while I was at my best friend's house, sleep-deprived and high on caffeine, but it somehow stuck with me, and when I'm sleep-deprived and high on caffeine I try to bring Boyf Riends into everything. Enjoy! -Adrian

Among the many different friend groups made by Jeremy, Evan and their respective friends, there were two very prominent ones:

We're Heere, We're Queer, composed of Evan and Jeremy. Jeremy and Evan were step-brothers, and although Evan's last name wasn't REALLY Heere, he had adopted it on as a sign of closeness to Jeremy. Basically, the "let's hang out and complain about our boyfriends" club.

And the Gay Stoners Club, whose 3 members were Michael, Connor, and Jared, who would get together every Friday night in Michael's basement to smoke way too much weed and talk about their boyfriends. That is, Connor and Michael talked about their boyfriends. Jared kinda just sat off to the side listening to them talk. That was because Jared didn't have a boyfriend, but he did have a secret:

He was in love with Connor.

And with Evan.

He was in love with both of them. And they loved each other. Very much. And Jared wasn't sure that was ever going to change. Which means he was stuck either getting over them or living the rest of his life miserable. 

One Friday night, though, everything changed.

The Gay Stoners Club was hanging out in Michael's basement, doing their normal activity of smoking way too much weed, and Michael started complaining about missing Jeremy.

"You saw him an hour ago, idiot," Jared sighed.

"I still miss him! You know what, I'm going to call him." Michael took out his phone and FaceTimed Jeremy, who picked up almost immediately. Michael's face lit up when he saw him. "Jere Beaaaaar!"

Jeremy rolled his eyes and smiled. "Michael, honey, you're high." Jeremy was hanging out with Evan in their room, watching Disney and waiting for the weekly "high call" from Michael.

Evan smiled. "L-Let me guess, Jared and Connor are over there too?"

Connor smiled. "Hell yeah we are. Hi babe!"

Evan smiled. "Hey." Evan noticed Jared sitting in the corner, taking hits from his joint and brooding. "What's up with Jared?"

Jared looked over to where Michael was, hearing Evan's voice. "Nothing, I'm fine. Hi, Heeres."

Jeremy looked over at Evan. Jere certainly didn't know Jared as well as Evan did, but he could definitely sense something was wrong.

Evan frowned. "Something's definitely wrong, Jared." 

"It's nothing, Evan!"

"I don't like seeing my friends upset, Jared. Please just tell me what's going on."

"I TOLD YOU, IT'S NOTHING! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE." Jared stormed out of Michael's basement. No one saw, but he was crying. Connor looked over at Jared, concerned.

"Hey, Michael?"

"Yeah? Michael was staring longingly at the screen of his phone, wishing Jeremy could come over. He missed his boyfriend! Jeremy, on the other side of the screen, was just rolling his eyes. Every week, like clockwork. Every freaking week. He let out a slight chuckle.

"I'm gonna go after Jared. Don't do anything stupid," Connor stated, walking quickly up the basement stairs and trying to find Jared. 

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