A Very Special Holiday, Well, Special!

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So, where I am (Michigan, USA, Eastern Time Zone), Christmas starts in two hours (It's 10:01 pm) and I'm staying up so I can be awake at the first second of Christmas (it's a fucking tradition and one I adhere to strictly) and watch stupid, hetero-normative Hallmark movies until everyone else is awake. So I thought while I was waiting for midnight, I'd write a holiday special on this and then on my Sanders Sides Oneshots book because I'm in desperate need of some fluffy holiday-themed love (that's also very gay, obviously) and I have a really cute idea for this.

Warning: An almost unhealthy amount of fluff, also probably really stereotypical.

Also, Connor and Evan are married in this because I'm a sucker for adorable, recently married Treebros.

Hope y'all like it!

Adrian( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Evan walked into his and Connor's apartment after work to find Connor standing near the door, holding mistletoe over his head. "Finally! I've been waiting for you for almost 30 minutes. My legs are starting to go numb!" 

Evan smiled. "Really, Connor?" Connor did this every Christmas season: he'd stand and wait for Evan almost every, if not every, day in December leading up to Christmas, holding mistletoe over the door for when Evan got home. Despite what he wanted everyone to believe, he was way too into Christmas.

Connor giggled. "Yes, really! Come on, kiss me!"

Evan sighed and kissed his husband, smiling into the kiss. He pulled away and laughed. "I'm telling you, next year we're celebrating Hannukah together. I've celebrated Christmas with you every year since Sophmore year of high school, and never once have I ever asked you to celebrate Hannukah with me. I'm missing a huge opportunity here."

Connor smiled. "We can totally do that. As long as I can still get you Christmas presents."

"Uh, totally. No way am I giving up your amazing gifts. You're the best gift-giver I know."

Connor flipped his hair, making both of them smile widely. "Uhm, I better be! Do you know how much work I put into getting you those presents?!"

Evan shook his head. "A lot, that's for sure. Maybe a little too much."

"Never too much for you, babe. Now, come on, let's go watch a movie! Dinner's gonna be ready in like 30 minutes."

Evan smiled and looked at Connor. He was so happy, right here in this moment.

Evan didn't need millions of dollars, or fame, or even good luck. As long as he had Connor, everything was going to be perfect.

"Yeah, lets."

Connor's face lit up. "Ooooo, why don't we watch Home Alone!"

Evan laughed. "You are wayyy too obsessed with that movie. But sure. Let's watch it for, like, the hundredth time."

Connor basically skipped to the living room, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. He looked back at Evan. "Well, come on! We've got a movie to watch, and cuddling to do!"

Evan went and sat on the sofa, Connor sitting next to him and cuddling his head into Evan's chest. "Hey Ev?"

Evan looked down, kissing Connor on the forehead. "Yeah, babe?"

Connor smiled, a warm glow across his cheeks. "I love you."

Evan smiled, pecking Connor on the lips. "I love you too, Connie."

Ok I loved writing that.

I assume you'd like to know that Connor and Evan went on to celebrate Hannukah AND Christmas every year for many years to come and that their two kids (their son, Luke, and their daughter, Evangeline (1. DISNEY and 2. She's named after Evan)) get presents for both, and that once they were old enough Evan let them light the menorah every night for Hannukah. They are a VERY happy family, and spend wayyy too much time obsessing over holidays. Connor stayed just as Christmas obsessed forever, and Evan always loved it.

Send me any requests!

See y'all next time!


Treebros Headcanons/Fluff!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant