Just Some Super Fluffy Stuffs because Why Not

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Ok, so I am in serious need of some fluff right now, so I'm just gonna write mindless fluff because why the heck not. Not really much of a plot, probably a little cliché, REALLY fluffy, so be warned! -Adrian

Evan and Connor were sitting in their basement (AN: yes, they have their own house, they're 19 in this, they're also engaged) watching Scream. Evan, obviously, was very scared, but he was ok with watching it. For Connor, obviously. Only for Connor.

They were curled up on the sofa, Evan wearing one of Connor's sweatshirts. Every time something scary happened, Ev would hide his head in Connor's chest, asking over and over if it was done yet. Connor laughed and kissed Evan on the forehead, whispering, "It's over now, babe, you can open your eyes," whenever it was back to a less scary scene. There was literally nowhere else he'd rather be than sitting there with his fiancè cuddling and watching his favorite movie. Evan snuggled further into Connor and he smiled. "I love you. So much," Connor kissed Evan on the forehead again, and he giggled.

"Love you too, Con."

Ok, this was like, really short, but I also wrote ALL of my soulmate AU today, and I guess inspiration just struck (and loneliness, too, I really desperately need a girlfriend, or boyfriend I'm not picky lol) and I wanted to write fluff. Hope you enjoyed this little tidbit!

Message me with any requests!


Treebros Headcanons/Fluff!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat