Chapter 13

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Trying to waddle my way to get Wooyoung more clothes, I can feel the towel slipping more and more.

"Just walk in front of me," I tell him grasping at the towel desperately as he's watching it slip and stifling a giggle.

I'm almost there and I feel the towel slip. Thankfully one hand was still holding the towel, but it was only covering the front of ass was completely out.

If I try to fix it now, I know I'll just end up showing everything so I decide I can live with Wooyoung seeing my ass without having too much shame. 

Not having noticed yet, he opens my door.......but then makes the mistake of turning to hold the door open for me.

"Oh!" is the first thing that comes out of his mouth before slapping his hand over his eyes and laughing. 

While his eyes are covered, I hurry past him into my room to clothe myself.

~Wooyoung POV~

   Unknowingly I uncovered my eyes, thinking he must've fixed the small towel, but right after uncovering them, my eyes instantly landed on San's peach-like butt cheeks as he darted past me into his bedroom. Hand over my mouth now, to avoid laughing or saying anything stupid, I bite my tongue so I don't embarrass him. His butt is so cute.

After giving him time to at least put some underwear on, I cautiously open the door but a pair of underwear hit my face before I could step one foot inside of his room.

"Hold on a second!" San said before throwing a shirt and pants at me too. I heard him rustling around getting himself together. While he got changed I decided to slip on the underwear and clothes he gave to me since I was alone. We must be the same some places at least. 

Throwing the towel over my shoulder, I walk in and San has everything on except for pants.

"Still not dressed?! For real?" I joke whipping the towel at his butt in only underwear, a few times. San laughs, trying to block my attacks and backs into his bed losing his balance so I grabbed him before he fell. Only, on complete accident, my hands automatically went to his buttcheeks to hold him up. I had so many options but my hands landed there. Of course, they did. 

San's body shivered a bit when I touched him. Are my hands cold? No, he probably feels violated.  

I catch myself getting lost in his dark gaze again, making me forget how embarrassed I should be. But I can't make out his expression. His eyes don't leave mine until we hear his front door open. 

In a rush, he grabs bottoms and throws them on before he leaves, closing the door and leaving me in his room. I peeked out the door, curious why he shut me in here alone. Why was I hiding? Is he hiding me? I hear a guy's voice but I can't really see out of the tiny slit in the door. It's probably one of his friends from the pictures I saw. I don't understand why I need to hide though...

"What are you doing up so early?" I hear San say to whoever this guy is. The guy doesn't answer his question though. Instead, he asks who's shoes are at the front door. 


I feel kind of excited like I'm his dirty little secret or something but it's not like that. It's fun to imagine though. I mean....who knows what could've happened in the kitchen and am I allowed to say I've seen him half-naked? I mean, really anything could've happened. I was enjoying the kdrama I was making up in my head before they came into view and I locked eyes with San's visitor.

Well...guess I have to go out now.

Pushing open the door and letting myself out, I held my hand out immediately to him, trying to alleviate any awkwardness.

"Jung Wooyoung" I introduce myself. He shook my hand while smirking a bit.

San looks me up and down and then looks back at him. Oh yeah, his clothes..I'm wearing his clothes.

"I've heard a lot about you" his friend grins at me and then at San.

Heard about me? I couldn't hide the shy smile that appeared on my face at the thought of San talking to his friends about me.

San punched him in the arm. Maybe he was joking but he looked like he had been caught....wait......caught? But why was it a big deal if he talked about me? What did he say?

"This is best friend.....who has a big mouth," San said giving him another playful shove. 

Hongjoong was barely paying him any attention though. He was too busy checking my, no scratch that, San's, clothes out. He then looked up at my hair, noticing that it's wet from my shower...and notices San's is too. totally looks like we showered together, and not casually.....cause I'm wearing his clothes.

"I'll let myself out," he's still looking back and forth between us, "get out of you're hair," he says the last part to San, gesturing to his wet hair jokingly. 

San walks him to the door and I hear Hongjoong giggling before asking San if he's skipping work today to play with me. My curiosity is driving me crazy...I can tell they have some kind of inside joke. But about me? 

Walking back towards me after letting his friend out,  San grabs my wrist, leading me to the bathroom.

Sitting me on the toilet he grabs his hairdryer and starts drying my hair for me. His hands lightly brush through my hair and when he dries the nape of my neck, he pulled my head forward and my head rested on his stomach. What exactly was he trying to do to me?... Choi San is totally playing with me. 

Originally I thought being friends with him would be nice but with everything that happened today, I can definitely admit to having some unfriendly feelings. I've never been one to try to change someone though, .....but he's the one making moves on me. Unless I'm imagining things.

I want to know what you're thinking Choi San.

I move my head to look up at him, disrupting him from drying my hair. I don't know what look I gave him but whatever it was seemed to catch him off guard. He stood there with the hairdryer still running in one hand and his other hand still in my hair playing with it. 

I moved my mouth to say something to him but he turned away and started drying his own hair. 

"Wooyoung-ah you have to be at work soon right? I'll drive you home to change clothes," he says smiling and showing me his dimples.

"Ah sure n-ne, thank you" 

San rushes by me back into his room, hair now fully styled for work. His blond hair has just enough product to look professional but somewhat casual too. He's just unreasonably good looking...

In no time he comes out to the kitchen where I'm waiting for him, now in a white button-up with his tie hanging loosely around his neck. Yeah. He doesn't even have to try. 

"Let's go Wooyoung," he says grabbing his keys "I'll drive you home before I go to work." 

I look at the clock. Looks like I have work soon too. 

San doesn't even give me time to respond before he throws his arm around my shoulder and leads me out into the hallway. While in his other hand, I saw he was texting Hongjoong and it made me a little jealous, to be honest. But it's pointless to be jealous about a straight guy right? I finally couldn't help myself and nosily asked "Missing Hongjoong already?" kind of bitterly. Could I be any more obvious?! It's not like we're dating. What the fuck Wooyoung, I cringed at myself, nervously waiting for his response.

San smirked, dimples appearing, eyes never leaving his phone. He didn't look at me once before responding "No, are you missing me?"

Can he tell I'm crushing on him?

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