Chapter 50

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The court case with my father was only a few days away so I met with my lawyer almost every day to go over things. Being my friend, he's been giving me more insight than most and calls every time he has new information. 

Jongho slid the documents sent from my father's lawyer across the table we sat at in the library. 

While looking over them, I got more and more frustrated. "They're trying to convince the judge with this too?" The papers in front of me talked about my trauma and made it seem as if I couldn't mentally handle raising a child.

"They're coming at us with everything they have San. The fact that it's your father and in-laws doesn't help. Your mom isn't testifying against you too is she?" 

I shook my head no and he nodded his head in relief and started reading over the other documents for himself again.

My mom cut my father off completely now and made it clear that she wants to help me as much as she can. She's always been there for me but got easily blinded by my father. I think after she started seeing someone, she began to realize just how blind she had been.

The only thing she's said about him is that he's a doctor and has a son in high school.

My phone started buzzing on the table and when I picked it up, I saw it was the number of the school. That's never good.

Upon answering, the principal told me to come right away because Soojin had gotten hurt by some girls at school so, hanging up, I explained to Jongho before I sped to my car and sped in my car to the school.

When I stepped into the office, the principal stood with Soojin in front of three other girls who looked a bit older than her sitting in a row and standing by the chairs, leaning against the wall was....Bae Jinyoung?

I wanted to hold Soojin in my arms and ask her if she was okay but I knew she wouldn't like me doing that in public so I scanned her over from where I stood to make sure she wasn't hurt badly. She looked perfectly fine, not one scratch. Her hair looked nice and neat. The only thing I saw was some dirt marks on her clothes. 

The girls sitting actually looked the worst. Their hair looked all messed up and one had scratches on her face.

Wooyoung walked in behind me and stood by the principal, giving the three girls a dirty look. As soon as they saw him they whispered to each other about how hot he was. I disliked these girls more and more.

"Hey!" Bae Jinyoung yelled at them. "Stop blabbing about how you wanna fuck Wooyoung and apologize for being a bunch of bitches," he gave them an intimidating glare and the girls looked at their laps, silent.

Wooyoung smacked him on the back of the head and made him sit down as the principal looked at me apologetically. 

"I'm so sorry you had to come down here like this Mr. Choi. Instead of getting on the bus, these girls decided to tie Soojin to the flagpole in front of the school," the principal explained and Wooyoung cut in.

"Don't leave out the part where they kicked at her and pulled her hair." Wooyoung was livid as he stared the girls down the whole time. "Jinyoung is the one that found them and brought them to me." He looked at me and I raised my eyebrows and pointed towards Bae Jinyoung in disbelief.

"You found them and brought them?" I asked Jinyoung and looked at Soojin for her to confirm. I needed more details since he's kind of a troublemaker. Soojin nodded her head and Bae Jinyoung spoke up. 

"Would you prefer I tell you the whole story?" 


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