Chapter 3

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Nini's POV:

I tried to run after him but he just kept walking, and eventually I lost him once he jumped on his skateboard.

I'm so confused.

I want to be mad at him. He keeps running away from everything. I'm tired of having to chase after him or wait for him to meet me halfway.
But I also still really care for him. My time from EJ has made me realize how much I really missed being with Ricky. We were always able to talk to each other, and be honest with each other. I trusted him more than anyone. And I loved him more than anyone. I couldn't just let him run away from me again. I needed a plan.

I headed back inside to grab my things and let Ms Jenn know I was leaving but as I was about to tell her, EJ stepped in front of me.

"Nini, I need you to talk to me, I'm going crazy without you." He declared.

"And who's fault is that." I said brushing past him.

"So then what, is that it?" He called out and I stopped and turned to face him.

Was this it? Did I really want to give up on us that easily? As mad as I was at him right now, I didn't want to act on my emotions. I was hurt and angry right now, but if I had more time I might be able to think more clearly. I needed space.

"I don't know." I told him. And I honestly didn't know. "But I think we just need some space."
And with that I left him in his spot and went to tell Ms Jenn about Ricky and that I was headed home too.

As I gathered my things, Kourtney appeared at my side. "You okay?" She asked me. She always knew the answer but it was nice that she asked anyways.

"Ya. Ya I'm fine I just need to go home." I replied, not entirely convinced by my own words.

She gave me a pat on the back and we started to head out.

"So if you and EJ are taking a break, does that mean you two aren't going to homecoming together?" She asked.

Shit. I had totally forgotten about homecoming. What was I going to do?! I didn't have a date. But who said you needed a date to go to homecoming?

"Nope. I was actually thinking we could have a girls homecoming, you know a girls night, just us friends."

She laughed and gave me a nudge on the shoulder, "girl how'd you come up with the same idea as me?"

"Great minds think alike I guess" we laughed and kept walking until we finally made it to my place.


For the next few hours Kourtney and I talked and finished up our homework. Once she left I had dinner with my moms and then went back upstairs to my room. As much as I hate to admit it, I could t stop thinking about Ricky. How could I show him that I was still his friend?

And then I came up with it.

The best idea ever.

At least I hope.

There's actually a 50% chance it could completely fail.

But it was all I could think of.

I quickly put on my shoes and coat and headed out my front door, and began running down the street.

Ricky's POV:

Mom wasn't home. Neither was dad. When I got home both of their cars were gone, meaning they were either in two different places, or took two separate cars to the same place. Both options didn't make me feel any better. Didn't mom say we'd talk when I got home? Why wasn't she here? And dad should've been off work a while ago.

I didn't feel like homework and I wasn't going to play Call of Duty by myself, so I called up Big Red and told him to come over as soon as possible.

We ordered some pizzas and began melting our brains with Call of Duty, the perfect bros night. We played for hours until we heard shouting from the garage. I knew it was my parents and wondered if it had anything to do with where they had been. I paused the game and went to the door to try and listen to what they were saying. Some of it was hard to hear but I could make out some of it.

"We're not spending the money for him to travel back and forth. Plus that would be way to stressful for him he's just a kid." I could hear my mom saying. She was talking about me.

"Then he'll stay here with me, his friends are here and his life is here." I could hear my dad arguing.

"I think we should let him decide who he wants to live with. He could use the fresh start after his breakup with Nini." Ouch that one hurt.

"He's getting a fresh start with this musical he's doing. He's meeting new people, trying new things. It's healthy for him." My dad stated.

"I don't think it's healthy for him to be joining some silly musical just so he can win Nini back. I mean he hates musicals, my son doesn't have a musical bone in his body." Ouch that one really hurt.

"You haven't seen him like I have. I saw him practicing last week, he sounded good and he looked happy." My dad defended me, but my mom apparently wasn't convinced.

"It's a distraction. Once it's all over he wont know what to do or who to go to. He needs a fresh start and" she kept talking but I didn't want to hear anymore. I was tired of hearing them argue for me. Shouldn't it be my choice? They're already forcing me to only live with one parent instead of both, they shouldn't be able to force me to live with one parent over the other.

"Dude are you okay?" Big Red asked, and a just silently shook my head. Of course I wasn't okay. They are really getting divorced and I'm really going to have to choose who I want to live with. What teenager should have to deal with this?

I sat down on the couch and grabbed the last slice of the Meat Monster pizza and was about to take a bite when I heard a knock at the front door. I ignored it and took a bite, enjoy the good taste of meat and pizza. Then there was a second , louder knock. I figured whoever it was, they weren't going to go away until I opened the door so I dropped my pizza slice and went to open the door. But when I did I was completely surprised to see


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