- Don't touch my son! - (Request)

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Request from AngelGaming54326 !

Dark x Eric [Platonic]

Dad-Dark vibes / Dark is a overprotective dad and has feelings / Eric is soft boy as usually

"Come Jim! We have to carry the information to Demon Jim!", Reporter Jim exclaimed and hustled his brother Camera Jim to follow him.

The twins ran towards the manor in their usual crouched way. RJ found his way into the house through the backyard where King currently was playing with Dark-Chica. CJ was on RJ's heels as he rolled through the opened glass door and crawled his way forward, CJ always having a good angle on his butt.

"Demon Jim! Jim and Jim have news to bring!", RJ shouted into his obvious fake microphone and CJ nodded the camera yes in agreement.

"A new ego was seen in TV! Two even!", Jim shouted and CJ zoomed in on Dark's face.

Dark looked up at them through his glasses, a brow raised.

"You saw a new ego on TV?"

"Yes! Let Jim show you, Demon Jim!"

RJ and CJ scooted closer to their boss to show the clip they filmed from a TV in their neighbors house. It showed a young nervous looking man in front of a green screen, a yellow handkerchief in his hands, a tight grip around it.

"Hello! I'm Eric Derekson and welcome to Derek Derkson's Charity Warehouse!", the boy barely managed to bring out through his stutters.

They watched the whole commercial, even the special cut scene where Derek screamed at his son for being incapable of doing anything right. Dark watched the whole thing through narrowed eyes, something inside of him started to burn to life. When the clip ended, he thanked the twins and sent them away, quickly searching the address of the warehouse.

"Not even that far away.", the demon mumbled and wrote down the address and phone number of Derek Derekson.

Dark put his glasses down and rubbed the bridge of his nose, collecting himself before phoning the owner of the business. It rang a few times, before a man picked up, his voice sounding strict and a bit stressed.

"Derek Derekson from Derek Derekson's Charity Warehouse! How may I help you?"

"Hello, here is Damien Iplier and I'm interested in doing business with you, mister Derekson.", Dark lied and gave himself a false identity.

"Ah, well! In what specific field are you interested in, Iplier?", Derek asked, scattering and sniffing heard in the background.

"I would like you to sell items of mine for your charity project. If you're interested, I would like to meet you and your son Eric Derekson at your warehouse.", Dark tried to lure the man into his trap.

"Me and Eric? Why would you like to meet him too? He's to nothing really capable and has more than bad luck. You should really be happy to not know him, he kills almost everything within his reach.", Derek scoffed at his son through the phone, a faded "I'm sorry, Dad!" echoing in the background, followed by quiet sobs.

Dark had to hold himself extremely back to not scream at the so called 'Dad'. Dark didn't know why, but he was almost brooding at this point, hating it that one of the egos he had to take care of was treated so badly by his own father.

"So, is it a deal?", Dark pushed and grew impatient.

"I don't know man, what items do you want me to sell?", the business man asked a bit suspicious.

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