- Unwanted Glass #2 -

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Minutes turned into hours. Sasha’s thoughts were racing, the moon high in the sky as stars sparkled to live. With time passing by, the racing thoughts turned into sluggish and mudded ones. The anxiety inside them subdued to a bearable point where their pacing came to a halt. They laid down on the grass under the night sky and started thinking.

„Without my laptop I can’t go back behind the fourth wall. I won’t be able to produce more content for my readers. I won’t be able to go back home. I won't be able to stay safe.“

Sasha sighed and stared up at the sky with tired eyes.

„I guess I should rest for a bit. Better get at least a few hours of sleep instead of none.“

They closed their eyes and slowly drove off to a light sleep, a cold breeze whipping over their face. In the distance, only two hours away, built up mountains of heavy, grey clouds.
- - - -

It was in the early morning hours when King awoke and made his way outside to the little forest behind the manor where his subjects lived. He greeted Dr. Iplier as he passed the kitchen and walked towards the door to the backyard.
He arrived at the glass doors and saw the quivering young author pressed against one of the doors, head resting on the glass, bloody hands clawing at the glass. King needed a moment to process who and why this person was there until he remembered the last evening. He crouched down and knocked on the door, grabbing their attention. He jumped back when he saw the face of the kid; scratches crawled their way over Sasha’s face, from under their eye sockets down their cheeks. Eyes red and puffy, tear stains running down, hair a mess from the storm that poured its rain down on them a few hours ago and hair shredded short up to their ears. A hopeful glimmer was in their eyes as their met King’s chocolate ones.

„Doc?!“, yelled King toward the kitchen.

„Doc?! Edward?! I -eh- I need your help! Something’s wrong! Horribly wrong!“

King scrambled to his feet and sprinted off to the kitchen to find the doctor looking confused at him.

„King? What’s wrong? Did something-„

Before he could finish his sentence King pulled him by the wrist and dragged him to the backyard.

„Jesus Christ, what the hell happened?!“, the good doctor breathed out and ran up to the door.

As soon as there was enough space to slip in, Sasha basically threw themselves into the room, shaking violently.

„He has found me. He is alive. He is- he’s gonna get us all killed. He’s gonna kill me. He’s gonna kill me.“, they repeated and cowered in on themselves, eyes wide with terror as their hands clutched at their tousled hair.

Iplier quickly picked them up and rushed to the medical bay with King in tow.

„He scratched at me. Screamed. Yelled that I would end up just like him.“ Their breathing was unsteady and shallow, eyes seemingly unfocused and looking into the far beyond.

The rushed footsteps of the two men echoed through the hallways until they arrived at the medical station where the doctor put the kid down and began to treat their wound when they started to struggle against the doc’s actions, throwing punches all around them and refusing his help.

Meanwhile, some other egos awoke and headed toward the noises that came from the medical room and took a peek inside. There they saw Sasha cowered on the bed, Dr. Iplier standing opposite them, head band off and hair messed up.

„The fuck’s going on?“, Ed asked drowsily.

„He tried to kill me!“, they screamed and balled their hands to fists, eyes wide and lost.

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