- Still the same -

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It was dark. 

Everything was dark.

Pitch black. 

Not one ray of light anywhere in sight. 

What had happened?

Why was he here?

Where was he?

"You've done so much harm."

"You are not different."

"We are still the same."

He turned and turned but couldn't find the source of the voice.

"They thought you were better than me, ain't that right?"

"He thought he could stop me by taking my powers, by gouging my eyes out."

"I was never truly  dead."

Host heard the voice next to his right ear and spun around, putting some distance between them. 

"Don't deny it. You know exactly what you have done."

"You did it because you wanted to."

"You enjoyed torturing them."

"Host did not."

"Host was taken over by Author in those moments."

"Author was the one who made him do it."

"Oh silly, little Host. So confident, so powerful, yet absolutely inexperienced."

"I was never in control since he stole my sight."

"My will, my intentions just never truly faded, lingering in the back of this body's mind."

Author walked up to Host and casually swung his baseball bat over his shoulder, empty eye sockets dripping as he grinned maniacally.

"You made the mistake and fell for my trap."

"You were punished just as I was."

"Now you lost your powers just as I did years prior. I will miss your smooth voice that lulled me to sleep at nights, terrorizing my dreams."

Host would have growled at this.

If he only could. 

A dark purple bruise was on his neck, right on his throat where his vocal cords were. 

Dark took his voice from him before finishing him off.

"Do you think there is going to be another one like us?"

"An author? A radio host? A narrator?"

"Do you think our body will come back to live?"

"Host has seen it in his visions."

"He thought it was a new ego."

"Narrator, a man clothed purple, was Author's and Host's successor."

"Narrator huh?"

"What an odd name."

"How will he be born?"

"A lake, wide in the distance."

"A storm, grey clouds mounting up."

"Blood pouring from the sky as he awakes and rises above the surface."

"A little over dramatic, don't you think?"

"Host shrugs as he doesn't care about it at all."

"You are boring, Host."

Both men looked up, a powerful aura filling the space.


"Very soon."

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