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-time skip to Christmas Eve cause I'm a lazy fuck-
I wake to the sound of my phone going off. I answer it.
"Hello?" I say, irritated and tiredly.
"Gracie!!" Adam says. I groan.
"Adam, is there a reason your calling me at," I glance at the clock on my desk.
"12:05 am?" I finish.
"Yes. Can you meet me in the park in a half hour? The one with the giant ass oak tree?" He asks. I sigh.
"Is it important?" I say.
"Very." He says. I groan again.
"Finneee." I say.
"Yay!! Bye Gracie." He says. He hangs up. I sigh and throw my covers off. Grabbing a pair of jeans and my sweatshirt, I change and brush out my hair. Feeling satisfied, I walk downstairs and quietly open the door. Slipping out, I walk down the steps and take off at a run down the street. Arriving at the park, I see the huge oak tree with Christmas decorations.
"Adam?" I call. I feel hands cover my eyes.
"Adam. It's fucking freezing. Why the fuck are you dragging me out here in the middle of the fucking night?" I say. He laughs.
"Walk forward Gracie." He says. I groan and do as he says. After a few minutes of walking, he tells me to keep my eyes closed. I close them and he removes his hands.
"Adammmmm." I whine.
"Okay. Open them." He says. I open them and gasp. The guys (jay max jamie alex and James) are there holding signs that read "Gracie will you go out with me?" I feel tears threatening to fall down my cheeks.
"I-I..." I say. Adam walks over to me and cups my cheek.
"Gracie, I've been in love with you ever since you came over to my house that first day. When I saw you sitting alone I knew I should be your friend. And now, your all I think about. Gracie, will you go out with me?" He asks. I nod and hug him. He hugs me back. The guys cheer.
"Merry Christmas Gracie." He whispers. I smile.
"Speaking of which, you still coming over for the night tomorrow?" He asks. I nod.
"Good." He says. I smile.
"I love you Gracie." He says. I blush.
"I love you too." I say. He kisses my cheek. He walks me back to my house and we say our goodbyes. I quietly go inside and upstairs. Flopping on my bed, I smile. Finally, I can be happy again.
-the next day-
When I wake, I look at my phone. 8:24. I throw my covers off and change into a pair of black jeans, my BVB t shirt, and I grab my usual beanie. Looking at myself in the mirror, I see the scars. I promised to stop. And I have. But the scars still haunt me. I shake my head and put my hoodie on before walking downstairs.
"Morning." I say. My aunt smiles.
"Merry Christmas." She says. She hands me a box. I smile and open it. A new iPhone. It's black and has a Ashley Purdy case on it. I smile.
"Thanks." I say. She smiles and hugs me.
"You still going to adams for the night?" She asks. I nod.
"By the way, adam and I are dating now." I say. She smiles.
"Good. He makes you happy." She says. I nod. I walk upstiars and grab a bag, and throw a pair of jeans and a t shirt in and my hair brush and pajamas. Grabbing my new phone and charger I run down the stairs.
"Bye!" I yell. I run out the door and down the street.
"Gracie!" Adam says when I knock on the door.
"Adam!" I say. He laughs and hugs me.
"Hi grace." Megan says, smiling.
"Hi." I say.
"I have pancakes in the dining room, if you want some." She says. I smile.
"That'd be great." I say. I follow her and adam into the dining room and sit down. Megan hands me a plate with a pancake on it.
"Thanks so much for letting me stay for the night." I say. Megan smiles.
"No problem." She says. When I finish eating, adam and I go downstairs.
"So Gracie, what do you wanna do?" He asks.
"Watch tv?" I suggest. He smiles.
"Good idea." He says. He takes my hand and walks me over to his bed, and he turns on the tv. We lie down and cuddle up, and watch some show about Bigfoot.
"Bigfoot is so not real." I say.
"He is to." Adam says. I look up at him.
"Nope." I say.
"Yep." He says.
"Lies." I say.
"Not lies." He says. I laugh. He laughs too, and kisses my forehead.
"I love you Gracie." He says.
"I love you too." I say.
"You know, I don't really have a nickname for you." I say. He thinks for a minute.
"Huh. Your right." He says.
"I need a nickname for you." I say.
"Nah. Adam is fine." He says. I giggle.
"Okay." I say, snuggling closer. He smiles. Eventually, I fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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