When the walls break down

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groan and answer it.
"Whaaatttt." I say.
"I'm coming to pick you up. I'll be there in 20 minutes." Adam says. I sigh.
"Alright." I say.
"Love you." He says. I smile.
"Love you too." I say. He hangs up and I climb out of bed. Putting on black jeans and a red flannel I put my combat boots on. Throwing my hair into a side braid and putting my beanie on, I grab my bag and jacket and run downstairs.
"Bye!" I call before running out the door. I sit on the grass waiting for adam. His car pulls up.
"Hey baby." He says. I smile and stand.
"Hiya." I say, getting into the passengers side. We drive off to school, discussing random things. He pulls into the school parking lot, and We walk in, hand in hand. I get glares from some people. I ignore them and follow adam into the cafeteria. Jay and James are standing there.
"Hey grace. How'd you sleep?" Jay asks. I shrug.
"Me too." James says. I smile.
"So, we should meet up and my place tonight to make posters and stuff for the concert/party." Adam says. I nod. The bell rings and we all go to class.
-time skip to lunch-
I walk to lunch, and look around for adam. I see jay and the other guys sitting at a table. Jay sees me and motions for me to come over. I walk over.
"Hey. Have you guys seen adam?" I say. Jay shakes his head. I sigh. I sit and talk to jay all through lunch. Adam never sows.
"Hey, you need a ride to adams after school?" Jay asks. I nod.
"K. Meet me outside the school afterwards." He says. I nod and go to the rest of my classes. After school, I meet jay at his car.
"Hey. Ready?" He says. I nod. He smiles.
"Lezzgoooo." He says. I laugh and get into the car. He drives to Adams and I walk in.
"Adam?" I call. I walk downstairs with jay.
"Hey." He says.
"You wern't around today. What happened?" I ask. He shrugs.
"Guess you didn't see me." He says.
"Well I missed you." I say. I hug him. He hugs me back.
"K guys, let's get these posters done." Max says. I start painting posters. Jay helps me. Adam and Max work on getting invitations done, jamie and James work on the flyers. About three hours later we finish.
"That was fun." I say. I'm converted in paint from the posters.
"Yep." Adam says.
"Well I should be heading home. I'll drive you home grace." Max says. I nod. I walk over to adam and kiss his cheek.
"I love you." I say.
"Love you too." He says. I follow Max to his car and climb in.
"Bye grace." Max says as I get out. I say bye and run up to my house. Opening the door I run upstairs and into my room. I wait for the goodnight text adam usually sends me, but it never comes. I fall asleep in my chair waiting. The next morning, I look at my phone. Still no text from adam.
"What's going on adam." I say quietly to myself. I sigh and walk downstairs.
"Hey. You alright?" My aunt asks. I nod. I text jay and ask him to come pick me up. Twenty minutes later he pulls up. I say bye to my aunt and run out.
"Hey. Thanks for picking me up." I say. He nods.
"Isn't adam supposed to pick you up?" He says. I nod. He gives me a worried glance.
"It's fine." I say. I can tell he doesn't believe me but he doesn't say anything. When we get to school I see adam talking to James. I walk over and hug him.
"Hey baby." I say. He hugs me back but doesn't say anything.
"You okay?" I ask. He nods, but doesn't say anything. We pass out the flyers and hang up the posters and stuff.

-time skips to the party cause I'm lazy and don't know what to write-

I grab my plain v neck black dress and put it on. I brush out my hair and leave it down. Grabbing my black combat boots I put them on and grab my phone. I text adam. He doesn't reply. I sigh and call jay.
"Hello?" He answers.
"Hey jay, it's me. Can you come get me, adams not answering." I say.
"Sure." He says. I hang up and wait. He pulls up thirty minutes later. I climb in.
"Are you sure you and adam are fine? He's been acting like this for a month now." Jay says. I nod. He drives to the party.
"Hey guys." I say walking in to Adams. All the guys stare at me.
"What?" I say.
"You look...stunning." Max says. I laugh.
"Where's adam?" I ask. They all point to his room. I walk downstairs to see Adam sitting on his bed, playing his guitar. I walk over and sit next to him.
"Hey." I say.
"Hi." He says.
"You wern't answering my texts or calls." I say.
"Sorry. My phone was off." He says. I nod.
"Well are you ready for the concert?" I say. He nods. We go upstairs. About an hour later, people start showing up. When everyone arrives, we set up for the concert. I grab a mic.
"Hey guys, I'm grace, and this, is Hells army. Thank you guys for coming." I say. The guys start the first song. It's one I wrote.

"All along it was a fever. A cold sweat hot headed believer. I threw my hands in the air I show me something, he said if you dare come a little closer." I sing. By the end of the song, everyone was cheering. I smile. We go through a few more sets, then the concert ends, and we just play some music for the party. I go find adam.
"Hey." I say, walking up to him.
"Hi." He says.
"Are you alright?" I ask. He nods. I grab his hand. He doesn't move. I sigh and walk over to jay.
"Hey." I say.
"You alright?" He asks. I nod. I can tell he doesn't believe me.
"Adam?" He asks. I nod. He hugs me, and a tear slips down my cheek.
"Does he not love me anymore?" I say.
"No. Sweetie no. He does love you, I think he's just having a hard time right now." He says. I nod. I wipe my eyes and he lets go. I look around for Adam. I can't see him anywhere. I sigh. I decide to head home. I run all the way home. By the time I get there it's nine. I sigh and go upstairs and flop on my bed. I fall asleep, tears on my face.

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