Rainbows in the Air

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Hey guys it's not a poem but a short story on the LGBTQ community and if you don't like any aspect of it then don't read further.

The walls echoed with just one word “Faggot”. He had no friends. His parents too abandoned him. He was all alone.
He was just a mere age of 16. An age where the rest would be playing and dating. He had deep cuts on his wrists. 13 to be exact. An odd number. A number which could have taken away his life. But much to his disappointment he had survived. Every night he cried to sleep, wishing he weren’t born. Wishing that he could have a normal life. But no!!! He was the punching bag at school. Banged into the lockers, beaten, bruised. Often he would go hungry during breaks and run off to a place which only he knew of. He was lonely and the people whom he loved ran away from him, afraid to be hurt. 'Why?', he asked himself. ‘Why?', I ask myself.
We say that  we’ve changed with time. The question is how? Is it the fashion trend that we change ever so often or is it the hairstyle, or scratch that. Is it the new slang words that we’ve learnt. Well if we truly change, it’s from within. It’s our thoughts that make us change with time.
Now if I’d ask some of you why are you’ll against LGBT people, you’ll would say because it’s against our religion. Ask yourself how many centuries ago was that book written. Your answer would be a thousand or even more. Then why haven’t your thoughts changed through the years. Why don’t you accept them? They’re just like you and me. We say we’re humans. What makes us different from animals if we can’t show humanity. Instead of loving them as one of your own why do you differentiate between them. Live a little, love a lot. Say you’re sorry for hurting them. You might have hurt them and you can’t remove the scars but you can always heal them. Love them with all the love you have within you and you’ll see a change in this world. Make this change.

Hey guys. I know I've been forgotten and I haven't updated since like forever and I'm sorry. I've not found time to write but I'm filled with so many ideas that my mind is constantly running (it's even faster then flash🙈🙈). Vote, comment and share.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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