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this is a continuation of gone with a few words from my previous book. i dont know if this'll match up to it in like... writing but i'll try for whoever asked :)


"Something's wrong with Tony. He's been like this all week." Steve spoke up, watching Tony from the doorway, other Avengers huddled behind him.

Currently, Tony was sulking on the couch surrounded by boxes of varying cereals. It was hard not to feel bad for the man. "Is it Pepper?" Clint asked.

"No, him and Pepper are better than ever." Natasha responded coldly, tempted to kick him in the shin.

"Well, whatever it is, it's going to kill him." Steve noted, walking away to make breakfast. They were really that unobservant to notice I was gone. True friends they are.

One week became three.

Three weeks became five.

Five weeks turned into seven.

Seven weeks morphed into nine and soon my absence turned into a year. I figured no contact would elude them to look for me or time to lose hope on Tony or me. Now was better than ever to call him.

I dialed his number, anxiously tapping my foot in my office space. It rang once, then twice and finally, on the third ring, he picked up.

"Y/N??" He spoke energetically or so I assumed. Thats what it sounded like.

"Yeah, Tony. It's me. I figured it was time to call you." I let out a sigh of relief, like tension had been lifted off me.

"God, I miss you so much. I tried visiting you but some guy at your house said you weren't home and I didn't want to bother you so I left." His voice sounded defeated and I could hear the rustling of cereal boxes through the line. I mean, I knew this would affect him, the no contact and all but I didn't think it'd be that bad.

"You met Finlay. He's a guy I met over here. He... makes me really happy. Like you wanted." I said, smiling into the line, a sigh of relief on the other side.

"So what does this Finlay do for a living?"

"Something in the government. I had to sign an NDA." That part was true. His job had something to do with Homeland Security and even though I trust Tony, I can't exactly go saying what my significant other does for a living.

"And what do YOU do for a living? Working for the Avengers can get you places." Tony remarked, chuckling when I gave a deflated sigh.

"Also government. Not at liberty to say." My chair squeaked as I leaned back and kicked my feet up on my desk. This job was important even if I was sitting at a desk. I played a part in cyber crimes, counterterrorism, and second fiddle to SAC at Homeland.

    "Go Y/N! I'm proud." I heard him ignore Steve's inquiry into the nature of our call, clearly too excited to acknowledge anyone but me. Having a feeling of importance for once, one besides work, gave me this sense of pride. That maybe I should go back, even for a little bit.

   "Hey, I got a 2 week vacation coming up. No guarantees that I'll be called back in but I was thinking. A visit. To my number one supporter. You." Over the line I could hear him choke on whatever he was eating or drinking, inherently surprised by that statement.

    "Yes, yes. Absolutely. Do-do you want to ride my jet? I can come on it, y'know  Pick you up and take you back." His voice sounded normal, well. Not normal but when is Tony ever normal? He sounded more like his original self. He sounded like himself.

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