The Attack

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~Sonic's Pov~

A few weeks later, the news had shown that there was an attack on the city since the last attack. It had said Fleetway was attacking it. It also shown that Shadow was there fighting him alone. Shads said something about revenge on the last fight they both had in Fleetway's dimension. I didn't understood that part but went along with it. "Tails, keep working on that. Everyone else, let's go help Shadow fight Fleetway."  I said as we went out of Tails workshop to the city. Once we arrived, I spindashed at Fleetway and had begun fighting him. Rouge and others went to Shadow's aid due to seeing him down for the fight. "No...Let me finish this fight..." Faker said as he tried to get up. "No you need to rest. Your badly injured Shadow." Amy said as she helped him up. "Omega, take him to Tails. he can rest there." Amy ordered and Omega nodded. The rest of them had helped me fight against Fleetway. I had used my special homing spindash on Fleetway but he had blocked and used his attack called Chaos Division to fight back. Fleetway had only relied on his powers to fight but sometimes had fought like a normal warrior would. Silver had came from the future to help and had used telekinesis to help us fight against Fleetway. "Just in time, Silver." I said as Silver nodded. The battle went on for 5 hours. Fleetway growled and became aggressive. He had targeted Amy and I had saw it. He went for the attack on her. "AMY WATCH OUT!" I yelled and went in front of her getting the attack instead. The golden hedgehog had dug his claws in my chest and I groaned in pain. Amy turned around and had saw it. "SONIC!!" Everyone had shouted as Fleetway took his claws out and jumped back in the air as he saw my friends come to me. "I-I'm fine" I said as I held my chest in pain and nearly fell. Amy had caught me and had helped me stay standing. Tails came as soon as he could with the fake chaos emerald. Tails had saw the wound on my chest and started to tear up. "Sonic!" He said as he looked at me. "Tails...Is..." I asked. "Yes, Shadow is fine but he's resting at my workshop. I brought the Fake chaos emerald." He said revealing it. "It should hold Fleetway in the Fake one.

(To be continued.......Will Sonic survive? Will they be able to seal Fleetway in the newly Fake Chaos Emerald? Find out in the next chapter. Sorry for not updating this book. I promise to Update it if I can since the finals are coming up. But I hope I can get this book done before New Years.)

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