Seeing New Changes

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~Sonic's Pov~
It feels like I've been healing for years. I found myself in a freeze tube where patients heal their wounds faster. I don't know how long I've been healing. The machine started to beep meaning I was staring to wake up. One of the nurse nearby heard it and came to open it. The tube let out cold air as I slowly woke up. I looked around and saw that I was at the hospital. I slowly sit up as I heard her say take it easy. Soon after that I was getting checked to see if the wounds had healed. "Looks like your healed, Sonic." The nurse said as she smiled. "Thanks. How long was I out?" I asked. "Well....Since your friends said your evil super form gave you that wound on your chest, it was deep in your chest. Based on the recovery you made, I say about 5-8 years." The nurse said. "That long!?" I asked shocked. "Yes. But you should be running in no time. Don't run for a few days. Okay? Oh almost forgot. Here." The nurse said as she walked me out the door and gave me cards. "What's this?" I asked looking at it. "Cards from your friends." She replied smiling. "Leave when your ready." She said walking away. I sat down and opened the cards as I read them. "Aw...They cared about me. Huh?" I saw a black and red card. "Probably from Faker." I said as I opened it. I was surprised to see what he wrote: his feelings for me. "Dear Sonic, It's time we set this rivalry aside. I know you might not have same feelings for me but hear me out. I had feelings for you since we met. I didn't want to tell you because I knew our enemies would separate us. Anyway, come see me when you wake up." It read. "Shadow...." I said grabbing the cards and went out. I walked to my home and put them down. I then went to see my friends who were at the picnic. "Hey guys!" I said waving from a distance. My friends looked and gasped. "SONIC!" They shouted as they ran to me. "Woah!" I said as I was hugged by them. They asked me a lot of question about my well being. "Slow down. One at a time! Yes, I'm awake but I'll be back to running in a few days." I said. I learned that Rouge and Knuckles got together. Cream and Tails got together now that they're older. Amy started her business with baking goods. Silver and Blaze got together in her dimension but said they will visit. "I guess new changes happened." I said rubbing my nose. "I gotta see Shads." I said as I walked away. I walked to Shads house and knocked on the door. "Who could be here?" He mumbled walking to the door and opened it. He stood shocked to see me. "Sonic!?" He said surprised. "Heya Shads. Long time no see eh?" I said chuckling. He nodded but stepped aside for me to come in. I walked in and he closed the door. "What brings you here?" He asked. "The card you wrote while I was in recovery. Did you mean the feelings." I asked. "Ah. That card. Yes. I told the nurse not to tell you that I came quite often to see you." He said as he walked to the couch and sat down. I walked to him and sat down. "Alas I want to end the rivalry too. Maybe we could- mmph!" I said shocked as he kissed me. I kissed back and let him explore my mouth. Shadow puts his hands on my sides as I shivered a bit. He stopped and pulled away as a string of salvia connected out tongues. "Cold?" He asked. "No." I replied as he moved his hand down my side. I tried not to moan as I blushed a bit. "You liked this right?" He said as I nodded. "B-But I'm not ready." I said as he nodded. "Alright." He said as he got off. "I'll wait."

(Sorry this is long. I had to do it!)

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