Story update

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I know this is weird but I'm uploading the original story from my deviantart to show a comparison between the first 2 chapters the story is only one chapter, also the new chapter will be out hopefully Tuesday if not Wednesday so enjoy the original story, in my opinion it is not that good

This story takes place after kion and rani became queen and king of the tree of life.
Kion and rani are laying watching the stars. Do you think about the past and other stuff kion said rani repiled yeah sometimes i just look up to the stars and it helps remind me on how lucky i am. So kion and rani layed there looking at the stars untill rani fell asleep. Goodnight my love kion said and went to sleep
The next day
Rani woke up and was wondering where kion went to. Then she saw him staring at the sun rise on the moutian side so she got up and started walking up to where he is. But then he suddenly disappeared so rani sprinted up the steep hill only to find that there was a scuffle at the top of the hill. She can smell that kion was here but she also can smell a few other animals. She looked at the foot prints and she saw scramble prints and then a sliding motion leading out of the tree of life border. She noticed that kions tracks were nowhere to be seen. Something happend to kion and a giant group of about 4 animals was draging him away she thought. She needed help so she ran to the tree of life. She called for the guards of the tree ( night pride and lion guard ) but only fuli, ono, nirmala and aunga turned up. Rani was begging to worry. Fuli, nirmala, ono what happend to the rest of the guard rani said fuli replied don't know havent see them since kion became king why has something bad happed. Im affraid so, i think that someone is trying to wipe out the guard and attack the tree of life. How do you know this nirmala said. So rani told them the whole story. Hevi kabisza fuli said stealing the line from kion. What ever happened they may also have the other member of the guard. Ono i know that your not the keenest of sight but can you tell us what tracks these animals are. Affirmative ono said before he flew of then the rest followed towards the hill. This set of tracks looks like hippo, this set of tracks and this set of tracks looks like lion tracks except one set has claws out. And this set looks like honey badger tracks. That is strange rani said lets follow them queen rani demanded " with strength and respect night pride protect" and the all left the border.

Kion and rani rulers for life ( finished)Where stories live. Discover now