Prologue: Liebeskummer

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Your relationship with Dieter hadn't been the same for months — not since the day your bare feet thumped rapidly down the school's cold stairway, judo uniform flapping in the fall breeze. The feeling of your pulse excitedly pumping the blood through your veins and the sound of ringing in your ears only motivated you to move faster, eyes discerning each blur of a person from another, as you called out for Dieter.

Suddenly, you were stopped in your tracks, as you spotted his unique blonde hair through the window. Breath heavy, you watched as he bowed, flower in hand, to Shin-ae. You tried to feign ignorance as she yelled something at him and furiously stomped away, convincing yourself he must've accidentally stolen something from her, or was apologizing for something his friend said. But as the rose fell from his hand and his closest friends came to his side, you knew; he had confessed to her.

The world became silent and dull, the ringing in your ears ceasing and the rapid beating of your heart numbing, as you watched Dieter's heart get ripped into two. Time seemed to slow as you gripped your chest and limply sat yourself on the stairs, a burning pain growing and festering inside you.

As the tears welled in your eyes, an anger for yourself began to cloud your thoughts. It's not as if you didn't know this would happen; you've listened to him talk about her for weeks, asking his upperclassmen questions and telling stories of their brief interactions with a blush on his face.

You asked yourself how you could so easily and willingly blind yourself to reality?

He loved her.

Through all the practices, all the team dinners and parties, all the late night walks back home, it was always her.

I love Dieter. [Dieter x Reader; I love yoo fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now