Part II: Freunde (Extended)

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His apartment complex stood before you like a snarling beast; the air around you heating up as if a three headed dog's breath rained down on you. You had nothing to be worried about, you told yourself. You chose your favorite outfit, you liked how your hair had fallen, and, just generally, felt pretty. But, with each step up the stairs, the grumbling of hunger from the beast's belly threatened to swallow you whole.

Once you reached the door, you absentmindedly moved a strand of hair out of your face and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You lifted a fist and tapped with confidence — knowing the only way to beat the beast of anxiety was with brute force and perseverance.

You heard shuffling from behind the door and a couple of voices, and were surprised at how long it took before someone turned the knob and peaked their head out. You were even more surprised by who it was.

Shin-Ae stood before you looking as she always did, radiating a confidence and comfort you wished you could recreate when you were around Dieter and his friends. She had obviously planned less about what she was wearing and how she looked compared to you, but, even in your opinion, she had always looked better that way. A heat rose to your face, worried that your eagerness to look your best for Dieter would make you stick out like a sore thumb.

"Ah, you're here," she spoke, a polite smile on her face. "Dieter was wondering when you'd come — said something about you texting you were on your way awhile ago, but were taking longer than expected? I don't know."

You didn't have the guts to tell her it was because you spent time pacing around, practicing what you'd say when Dieter opened the door. Not that it mattered now.

"Come on in," Shin-Ae opened the door for you, revealing other recognizable faces from Dieter's friend group; though, it seemed Dieter himself was missing. "We were just about to get a game of Smash started."

You took a step in, waiting to take anything off before asking: "where's Dieter?" You wondered if your first words should have been "hey everyone," or "thanks for letting me in," but no one seemed to notice the obvious pointed attention.

"He went to the corner store to get more snacks," Yeong-gi said absentmindedly as he smashed his fingers on his controller, a chip hanging out of the side of his mouth. "Like three minutes ago. 'M surprised you didn't pass him." It was obvious he knew why you were asking — letting you know you'd make it in time.

"Oh," your voice trailed off. You didn't want to be rude, but this also might be the last chance you'd get to see Dieter one-on-one for the rest of the night. "I think I'll go help him out; I need to get some headache medicine anyways."

They all acknowledged your plans, but didn't make a big deal out of them, letting you leave with less guilt. Though you were not close with Dieter's friend group, you understood why he chose to keep them around. They were naturally friendly, making sure you didn't feel excluded in either way: by giving you too much attention, or giving you too little. Put simply, they were easy to get along with.

Yeong-gi was right; though you had sped a little, you were able to catch up to Dieter in no time, who seemed to be walking at a slower than leisurely pace. You took a second before approaching him, watching his back as he continued on. He was even handsome from behind: his blond hair meeting his pale skin on the back of his neck, delicately clashing with the brightness of his red shirt.

"Dieter!" You called out, speeding your pace into a job as he turned around to see who called his name.

You almost tripped, heart stopping when you saw the face he made when he recognized it was you. It was everything you ever wanted from the person you loved — excitement, care, and wonder flashing behind a surprised smile. You wondered if you were the only one who he showed such a face to. You hoped so.

"I've been looking all over for you," he said; a laugh escapes his lips and you wondered if you were making the same face as him. "I was a little worried when you seemed to be running late, so I thought I'd walk to the store you'd probably pass by."

"It seems like we just missed each other," you smiled. "Well, almost."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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