3. Ram x kurt 《Fluff》

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Enjoy this one shot of ram and kurt being cute drunk idiots and doing stupid stuff lmao-


I walked around lazily scanning the room for kurt, our dad's have gone on one of those 'fishing trips' and they were at Heather M's house for once, she had a pretty decent pool and they were fucking loaded! Her parents were out of town for like a week so.. A party! Everyone is drunk and the music is extremely loud, even heather Duke is letting lose more than usual. And I am. Absolutely. Wasted!

I spot Kurt chilling with Veronica who looks worried, I walked over to them tripping a couple of times pushing people out of the way. "KUurt;" I whine as I'm getting annoyed by the crowd, I finally reach the couch as kurt looks up to me. "what's up-" he said until he got interrupted by Veronica as she patted me on the shoulder.
"Wha" I awnserd back returning the look "There are uhm 8th graders on the fence" she practically yelled over the loud music. I felt anger boil inside me

"THOSE SNOTTY BRATS Damnit!" I stomped to the yard spotting them on the fence." I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL THEM!" These kids stalk us every party we throw for the past few months and it's so pissiNg me OFF.

Third person and kurts pov?
Kurt looked up at ram raising an brow, what just happend?
He turned his head to Veronica who seemed to let loose more and was talking to heather McNamara.
I stood up and was a little tipsy, not as tipsy as the other teens(or well..wasted as them..), but still not completely sober.

Kurt reached the yard spotting an pissed off ram, kicking a broken bottle which was laying on the floor.
I walked to him as he looked at me "those stupid kids!"He groaned.
His expression changed as he looked at the pool for a second suddenly pulling my hand, as he rushed towards the pool.

"LET'S SKINNY DIP IN THE POOL EVERYONE!"Ram yelled laughing as he pulled me into the pool with him creating a loud splash. We both laugh as heather Duke and Veronica jump into the pool screaming 'Cannibal!' Heather McNamara stood there hesitating before Veronica told her to join "cmon it's fun!" She said smiling as McNamara jumps into the pool laughing.
The party bassicly moved outside as the yard was filled with drunk teens. Some people stayed inside on their phones, or they were passed out.

A couple of hours passed as some people left and some were still chilling, Kurt got out of the pool fully as he waddled on inside. His clothes wet because ram dragged him into the pool, he groaned as he didn't bring any spare clothes. Ram followed him, he saw the concerned look on kurts face, as he frowned too.

"What's wrong..?" The alcohol effect has slightly faded, as he swam in the pool so he could speak more clearly now. "Didn't bring any extra clothes" kurt muttered. Ram frowned, he felt guilty.
He grabbed kurts arm pulling him up the stairs to a room, kurt looked at him confused. As they walked through the hallways kurt paused.

"Why are we going to a random room?" He raised up a brow. "I'm gonna give you my clothes, duh" Ram glared back like that was the stupidest question ever asked. Wait, so he's just gonna strip in front of him?? What clothes is ram gonna wear?
Also this is.. a little gay..

"I-I'm fine with wet clothes... really ram it's okay-" kurt mumbled as ram shushed him with his finger.

"Nu Uh, I made your clothes wet so.." He found a random guest room.
He walked in as the room had a lock which was conveniently there.
Kurt blushed, why am I blushing??

Oh yeah

He glared at ram who was now taking off his shirt, fuck.
( if you're confused about why ram still has dry clothes. He did bring extra clothes, and he changed into them short while after they took a swim) now, Ram and kurt weren't 'ripped' but that doesn't mean rams chest ain't looking fine. But those are totally not gay thoughts, he just admires his friends chest and his jaw and...

Rams pov.

I had my varsity jacket placed on the bed as I threw my shirt on there too. Something about kurts gaze, he was blushing too. It's pretty easy for me to notice since I've seen it countless times. His brown curly locks were darker because of the water but they were drying slowly. I chuckled looking at him "you're just gonna watch or...?" I saw him blink a couple of times shaking his head "s-sorry uhh, I do have to ask though. What are you gonna wear?"
Good question. I stil had my other pair of clothes which were wet. Actually, the only thing that didn't get wet before I jumped into the pool was my jacket. I looked at him for a second, kurts my drive home, were we we're gonna have a sleep over so it doesn't matter as much, I made eye contact with him as I spoke."Actually, I was just wear my jacket and my boxers, I mean no one's gonna really see right?"

Kurts mouth hung upen slightly as he closed it again, he squinted his eyes looking at me. "One.. People will see, and two isn't that cold?" I slipped my jacket back on and,

I hummed looking at the bed until I got this brilliant idea, I slipt off my pants and jumped on the bed. Kurt quirked up an eyebrow smiling "what are you dong?" A laugh was audible in his voice.

"Roll me up! And we run!" I laughed still a little dizzy from the alchol and the jump.
" Dude this idea is so stupid... I'm in"
Kurt rolled me up In the blanket like I was a pancake or something. This reminds me of when we were kids and used to do this silly stuff. I was now fully rolled up as he grabbed me and rested me over his shoulder, it was actually pretty comfortable suprisingly. I looked at kurts ass from here and was perfectly fine with this plan, even if it would fail. Kurt slowly creaked the door open looking through it. When he was sure no one was there he made his way too the stairs, I smiled, until I felt dizzy again. Ah shit, I might puke. I held it in closing my eyes, focusing on
something else like how strong kurt was.
Kurt made his way down the stairs, he looked around and saw that the front door was open.
"Go!" I yelled laughing as kurt ran as fast as he could possibly can.
We both laughed like dorks as I saw Veronica and the heathers looking so very confused, heather M's face changed from confusion to slight disbelief blinking a couple of times as we run out of the door.

We quickly made our way to the car as I was running now.I jumped on the grass laughing so hard, until I tripped over the blanket that was wrapped around me. I whined as I fell forward, kurt quickly came back picking me up in his arms and just making a run for it.
We both laughed our ass off as we saw the heathers and Veronica at the doorway looking so very confused.
We made it to the car as kurt carefully lifted me into the passenger seat, as he made his way to the drivers seat. He smiled as he locked eyes with me, we were both panting, still giggling slightly, this was so stupid yet they were beaming.

"You saw their face!" Kurt laughed looking at ram his hair swooping slightly as he moved his head looking at ram again. "Yeah! It was fucking hilarious!" I giggled, maybe it was the alchol, or the expression on kurts face , but he couldn't help as his face got closer to kurts still. Now slowly breathing kurt and him locked eyes, he doesn't know why he did it but ram connected their lips gently, he fully expected kurt to pull away.

But he didn't.
Kurt pushed back into the kiss, they kept at it until they parted to breath, Ram layed back into the car chair, only now realising what he just did.
He felt slightly embarrassed as he spoke. "Sorry.." Ram mutterd.
Kurt made eye contact with ram, Ram though to himself as he fully expected a frown but only got a smile.
"Don't be... lets go to my house" kurt said as he focused on the road, they were not smiling and flustered like crazy.
The rest of the car ride was pleasant, Ram enjoyed the music that was audible from the radio, as he glanced at kurt scanning his features.

Normally ram wouldn't, but.. it felt different, and the fact that kurt didnt act disgusted gave him a sparkle of hope, he wasn't gay.. Maybe a little, but the only guy he ever was attracted too was kurt and he doesn't think it would change soon.

I can't believe that took me so long to write? Not that I wrote that much, but I took long to finish it hah- also kurt and ram are just drunk idiots don't mind them being silly

Hope you enjoyed it! I would continue this one but I think I'm gonna leave it at this!

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