chapter one: the meet

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I yawned, pushing my glasses on to my nose as I continued to scan cat food for Ms. Bea. She's a regular customer who happens to own seven cats and counting. I cat-sit for her when she goes off to visit her kids and grandkids. She's a rather sweet old lady.

"How are the cats doin' today, Ms. Bea?" I smiled to her. It was just a little late for my well being. I don't usually take the night shift, but I need the cash.

"Oh, you know, just being cats," she smiled happily with her crooked dentures. "Melody is pregnant and I can't find the culprit." She sighed out.

I nodded. "Let me know if you need help with those kittens, I might know a few people who'd want one, myself included." I chuckled, bagging her cat food.

She smiled happily as she took the bag, giving me a twenty. "Of course! Keep the change," she smiled, turning away. "Have a good night, Richard!" She called.

"Yeah, you too Ms. Bea!" I called. I chuckled to myself. I didn't see anyone else in the store, closing time it is. I mean, I'm a little lazy on the night shift, but it is almost eleven.

I grabbed the keys, walking to the front of the store's doors. I went to lock it when I saw a short statured boy approach in a rush. "Wait! Please!" He begged. "It won't take long, I swear!" He stared at me hopelessly through the dirty glass door. He's pretty.

He was wearing a red sweater with overalls, converse on his feet, bike in one hand and wallet in the other. He was kinda cute, I won't lie.

I sighed. "Alright," I nodded, opening the door. "Leave your bike here though. My boss would kill me if he found out I let some stranger roll his bike around the newly tiled floor." I said, walking back to the register.

"No problem! My mom is like that too actually." He chuckled. He quickly zoomed through the store, going to get whatever was so important.

I leaned on the small counter, picking at my painted black nails, cleaning my glasses to see better. I rarely clean them because it takes a good three minutes to do so because they're a piece of shit, and god for bid I waste company time so I can see everything better, like I'm supposed to.

I looked around, spotting the boy walking over, arms full of first aid care. I slowly scanned all the items, wanting his presence to linger. "You get into a fight or something? Going camping?" I asked casually.

He chuckled softly. "No, I um, I'm a 'germaphobe', I guess you could say. I've got some control issues over 'medical' things." He rambled out. "What's your name- oh, never mind. I see your name tag. I'm Eddie, short for Edward!" He rambled out again.

Holy shit, this guy has ADHD doesn't he? I bet so.

"Richie, short for Richard," I chuckled. I looked over his features. His soft brown eyes, light sun kissed freckles, short wavy brown hair. He's cute, definitely. Calm down, you have a boyfriend, Richard.

"Cool! Sorry I came late." He said, a squeaky sounding voice. It was adorable.

"That's what she said." I said, winking at him.

He blushed, letting out a quiet giggle. "You're funny. That was funny."

I chuckled at him. He's absolutely, soul crushingly, precious. His little giggle was heart warming.

"Hey, wanna hang out some time with my friends and I? They'd love you!" He smiled, pulling money out of his wallet.

I smiled. "I'd love to! Um," I looked around, grabbing a note pad and pen. "I work every other day, jumbled hours, but come by, or give me a call whenever." I smiled. I wrote my name and number on the paper and handed it to him along with his receipt.

He blushed. "C-cool! Sounds cool!" He smiled widely. "Bye, Rich!" He quickly grabbed the bags and ran out.

I watched him struggle a little with his bike before he road off, glancing back.

I felt myself staring. "Stop it, creep." I mumbled to myself.

He's so adorable. I said that already.

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