Chapter seven: moonlight

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⚠️it's a little bit smutty⚠️

Richie's pov//:

I feel different after yesterday. I don't know how to explain that, but it's weird. I feel... like I'm alive. Like more alive than I've ever been. I've also realized my weird attachment to Eddie. I don't understand it or why, but I see it's there.

I feel so dedicated to Eddie more than Noah. I couldn't even get in the mood with him earlier. I couldn't. He got upset and we parted on a bad note. He'll be back in a week or so though. Eddie said he wanted to stay with me until Noah does come back.

Eddie and I also made it clear to each other that there would be no sex until I decide to break up with Noah, or decide to stay with Noah. I also made it clear that I want him in my life no matter what.

"This movie is boring, Rich," Eddie yawned. "Can we watch a show instead?" he looked up at me.

"Sure," i grabbed the remote. "What do you feel like watching?" I hummed.

"The office. It's funny," he chuckled softly, tiredly.

I turned the show on and leaned back. We're in my living room on the couch, wrapped in each other's embrace and a blanket.

I feel so tired, but I'm trying to stay up until Eds falls asleep. So I can carry him to bed of course.

"Rich?" he mumbled, softly. He was on the verge of sleep. He kept fighting it.

"Yeah, Eds?" I rubbed his back.

"I'm so tired." he whispered out.

"Me too," I chuckled. I looked down at him. His eyes were closed and he looked so warm and sleepy.

He eventually dozed off. He began to drool on my shirt as well. I gently stood up, picking him up and carrying him to my room.

I laid him down on the bed, my side, and covered him up. He instantly snuggled into the pillow and grasped the blanket. "Hmm," he let out.

I'm so in for it. I quietly left the room and walked back to the living room. I sat down, staring off.

This guy is so different and I don't get why. He's some seventeen year old guy from some town I ran away to. I ran away from my family and then i ran away from myself. And.. I feel like Eddie is bringing me back. That sounds so cliché.

I stood and paced around, debating on whether I should go for Eddie and ruin my relationship with Noah, or miss out on Eddie.

Noah is such an amazing person. He's never been mean, he's supportive, he's sweet and understanding. But Noah is boring. He plays it safe in life. He takes no risks, and Eddie? He does! His friends and him are so amazing! They're like a dream family.

I sound like a thirteen year old girl. I'm so in for it. I've gotta decide what to do before Noah gets back. He's going through some stuff with his family so if I break up him now, I'd be a dick.

I saw my phone buzz, Noah's face appearing on the screen. I have to answer. I regrettably answered the call. "Hey," I said softly. I wanted to be quiet so I don't wake Eddie.

"Hey, Richie," he sighed. "I wanted to tell you I might be here longer than I anticipated."

"Oh," I said. "How long do you reckon?"

He sighed. "Maybe a few extra days?" He said annoyedly. "Why are you whispering?" he chuckled.

I sighed. "I've got a killer migraine, and I'm tired. It's hard to sleep right now." I lied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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