Don't look

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Authors note>
Ahh thank you to everyone that's reading this rn!! ❤️❤️ also I'm soo sorry for a crappy chapter I just don't know where I'm going with this tbh. I've also been kinda busy with school. I'll try and post more but I just have to get my story in order 🤦🏽‍♀️

Mattia's POV
When I realized it was already Friday and I was so thankful because this week sucked. Monday was bad and from there it just went down.

I had a hard time focusing on my classes. Callie had requested to move from her assigned seat in English to which the teacher said no. She complained about it the whole day. Guess she has had enough of me.

On another note throughout this whole week all Gianna did was talking about her. It was Callie this or Callie that. We never talked about each other just about her. This girl was starting to get on my nerves.

It was fine at first because her looks made up for her shitty attitude. She told me how they were no longer friends and how it was all because of Kairi. How dumb is that? Fighting over some small Asian boy.

When school ended on Friday I just wanted to go home but we had soccer practice. We had to get ready because we had a game on Monday. I found out that I had made varsity on the first day of practice. I was glad that I wasn't with the underclassmen because they were annoying.

practice consisted of running sprints and doing suicides, we barely got any playing time since coach said Fridays are conditioning days. After half an hour, we went into the weight room and started lifting. It was a competition the whole time to see who could lift more. Coach let us play music while we lifted and then let us leave half an hour early because he has a family emergency.

We headed into the locker room and i grabbed my stuff. As I was going to the parking lot I heard " Yea Gianna definitely likes him but he's obviously not interested" some volleyball girls were behind me. They walked with bags in their hands and wore spandex like it was the middle of the summer when it was actually freezing out.

I turned back again to see the girl's faces but I didn't recognize them, hell I didn't know anyone here. " Oh, shit" the blond girl looked at her friend and covered her mouth.

I didn't know who they were talking about but once she said that, she made it clear it was about me. Does Gianna like me? i just thought that's how she was with a flirty attitude.

Brunettes were definitely my type but her personality made me uncomfortable. she didn't really talk at first but now she's too comfortable with me but she just talks too much. If she could tone it down a bit more she wouldn't be so bad. I don't like her but I might just get with her for the hell of it.

I ignored the girls and walked towards my car. I blasted "hold on" as I pulled out of the parking lot. As I left the girls who were talking about me earlier now stared at me as I waved goodbye. I don't know what it was about me but I loved embarrassing people.

When I got home my mom and brother were in the living room watching some movie. "Mati what do you want for dinner baby?" My mom turned to me when she heard me walk in. I thought about it for a bit then decided. "Let's have ravioli from dads restaurant" it was late and I didn't want to wait for my mom to cook dinner.

"Mattia, we were there Monday " she replied.

"It's fine I'm sure Luca doesn't mind, right?" I looked at my brother. He looked at me and nodded his head in agreement.

We got in the car and headed to the restaurant. Once we got there, we went to our usual table. Jen, one of the servers I had met while working Saturdays came to take our order. Once she took our orders she left and I looked around before looking down on my phone.

The Boy Next Door | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now