On my mind

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Callie's POV
My parents had gone out for the weekend once again. I wish that just one damn weekend they would stay home. I wish we could go back to how it used to be before Micheal got deployed. I Hated not having him here but I hated my parents ignoring the situation more.

Their job paid so well and we had a nice luxuries but it was at the cost of our family being separated all the time. My parents thought they could buy me gifts and it would make up for all the times we didn't spend together.

Truth is I liked it at first because i got all the things I wanted but now it's become boring and all i wish was for them to spend time with me.

On days they came home for dinner or had days off our family time would be cut short because work would call or they were too tired to do anything. Work has ruined our family and I didn't like it. not one bit.

Kairi, Alejandro and Alvaro had come to my house without even texting me. I didn't mind but I was surprised when three smiley boys showed up to my doorstep. I welcomed them in and they walked in and followed me into my room.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as i plopped down on my lovesac. The three boys without hesitation jumped on my bed and laid down. " We were bored and had nothing to do, so we figured we would come and bother you" Kairi responded.

I rolled my eyes as I looked at the boys who were all sprawled out on my not so big bed. Their feet hung to the sides as they all tried to fit. I laughed as I looked at them and took my phone to check the time. It was twelve and I hadn't had anything to eat.

"Did you guys eat yet? I'm starving" I told the boys who now sat up on the bed. "Yessss I'm so hungry" Alvaro replied to my question. "it's settled then we should go to the Denny's ?" the boys all nodded and got up from my bed.

" Oh no not yet. I still have to go shower and change because look at what I'm wearing" I looked down at my outfit that looked like it came straight out of a middle schoolers closet. The green shirt with a Christmas tree and plaid pants screamed " I Love Christmas" and it made me cringe that the boys saw me like this.

I ran to the closet and picked out jeans and a Astro world sweater I had ordered a few weeks ago. Yet I never got the chance to wear.

as I headed out of the room the boys shouted "Don't take too long because we're hungry" I rolled my eyes again.

I started the shower as soon as I got into the bathroom. Hot water soon came out from the showerhead. I turned on the speaker and started jamming to Don Toliver. As i danced in front of my mirror i realized how dumb i looked and stopped and quickly hopped in the shower.

After my shower, i dried myself and changed into the clothes i had just chosen out. My curly hair was now knotty and wet so i tried to comb it out and dry it with the towel. It now looked worse than before so i applied some hair products and tried to make the best of it.

Once i headed back into my room the boys were all standing up facing one of my walls. I was very confused till i got closer and realized they were making a tiktok. I laughed as i watched how many times they had to do it because Alvaro kept messing up.

They were so invested in getting it right they must've not realized i was standing there. I headed to my vanity and applied some concealer and mascara.

After i heard the music the boys cheer. I'm assuming they finally got it right. I clapped with them as i stood up and looked at Kairi's phone to see how it turned out.

We watched it a few times before they decided to post it. Tik Tok had blown up recently and the boys loved making videos. I did too but i just never posted them.

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