Chapter 3 First Day

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Harry's POV
I woke up around 5:00 and saw that Severus and Lucious were still sleeping. I put on my uniform grab a book and go downstairs. I sit on a green couch and just start reading.

Time skip

It's 7:20, breakfast is 8:00 o'clock and I hear footsteps coming down stairs. I see most of the Slytherin house walking down stairs giving me glares. I really don't understand them, I guess Hufflepuff are my friends. I ignore them and close my novel grab a new one and walk out to the dinning hall for breakfast. I see that most of the Hufflepuffs are there so I walk over to see if I can make any friends.

"Hey can I sit with you guys before lunch starts" they all look straight at me. "Why not sit with your housemates" a Hufflepuff asked nicely. "Well for some reason all the other three houses hate me besides you guys". They all then said yes for me to sit with them so I did. We walked over to there table and the other Hufflepuffs looked like they were doing some secret language.

Out of nowhere a 6th year said, "we shall protect you". Which I just blushed at an embarrassment since Hufflepuffs protect things that they think are fragile and in danger. I guess it's gonna be nice to be protected and loved. Not sure I've been loved in a while.

After breakfast I stood up and went to potions avoiding the Gryffindors mainly. Thought that marauders just had to stop me in the hallway. "Hey slimy snake what are you doing, it seems everyone hates you that's good". Said James Potter which did hurt for my father to say that but I just said. "Why do you guys hate me, I actually wanted to be your friends. I guess you only judged me since I'm a Slytherin, thanks" I said in a sad voice.

I moved out of there way and went to potions hoping for a good class.

Time skip

Potions was actually pretty fun, since Severus isn't teaching it for me. I kept getting looks from the marauders and they kept whispering then looking at me. It was kinda getting on my nerves then one of my housemates said. "Why are you still here Blackwood". So I slammed my hand on the table catching the whole hall to be quiet. "IM FUCKING HERE BECAUSE MY WHOLE FAMILY IS EITHER DAD OR BETRAYED ME. IM STILL HERE HOPING THAT AT LEAST MY FUCKING HOUSE MATES WOUKD LIKE ME".

I then picked up my wand and books and walked out of the hall trying to cool myself down. I went up to my room and sat on the bed,

( time skip it's night out and Harry left the dorm
Before Severus and Lucious came)

I then looked out the window and wondered if taking a nightly stroll would be bad. So I did.

I went out to the woods but heard bones cracking and people talking. I look over and see Remus Lupin turn into a werewolf and Sirius, James turn into animigous. I know that they have these forms just never seen them this young do it. I was in total shock till I stepped on a branch causing a snap sound......

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