Chapter 5 okay!

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Harry's POV
I woke and felt a silk texture. I looked up and saw my Slytherin bed ceiling. I startto get up and saw that no one was in here. I must have fallen asleep while the marauders took me back to my dorm. Welp time for a day of getting ignored yay. Note the sarcasm in my voice (I guess writing since he's not really speaking in real life but yeah).

I got out of bed and started to get dressed. Somehow I managed with my injured arm which should be healed tomorrow actually. Since it's Saturday I don't have to wear a uniform. So I put on a light macha green sweater. That showed my collar bone and my shoulders a bit. It went over my hands as well as you can tell this is dudleys sweater. The reason why I have this, because he thought it was to "gay" to wear.

After I got the shirt on I put on some black jeans that had holes at the knees. I then put on some silver dragon hide boots. Seeing my clothes as a nice presentable wear for a weekend as a Slytherin. I exited my room and headed down stairs to the lounge. When I arrived I saw most of the Slytherin's including Lucious and Severus.

I ignored them because of yesterday's accords and went over to the big bookshelf. I grabbed one about parselmouth language and went towards the door to head out. I was then stopped by a hand before I could leave. "Harrison were really sorry about how we all have been treating you" said Severus. I stared at him and smiled then said "Okay! I forgive you guys". They all look shocked probably expecting me to say no or snapped at them. "You guys apologized and I can see it all over your faces that ya mean it so we're okay now".

After I said that I went off to the great hall. On my way there thoughts clouded my head. Is Tom Riddle actually good Ron and Hermione must have had a reason for me killing him. So what is he actually good just demented if so maybe I can help him. With all this info I have on everyone maybe I can use it and say that I am a seer just maybe.

Apparently I was not paying attention and bumped into somebody. I made a omph sound and looked up and saw my mom was the one I bumped in."ah sorry evans are you okay" I said getting up and giving her a hand. She stared at it then accepted it and I pulled her up. "I'm fine dark wood nothing but a bruise" she said in a soft but polite tone. I smiled then passed her and continue to the great hall. Once I got there I was about to head over to the Slytherin table but the Hufflepuffs got to me first. My housemates watched me get dragged away and couldn't do anything because Hufflepuffs can be terrifying.

Once they sat me down I was immediately hit with questions on if I'm okay or what happened. Apparently my episode got out that I had in class and I worried the Hufflepuffs. Once I answered all there questions leaving the animigiaus and werewolf part out. They then gave me food and brought me back over to the Slytherin table. Giving them a glare and waking back over to there table. I blinked and stared at my food, I then pushed it and started reading my book.

Apparently this gesture caught a lot of my housemates attention. "Harrison eat" said Lucious, "I don't wanna though, I keep on getting visions of the future and it sucks". See what I did there, done now people will know that I am a seer. When I said it they all looked at me with wide eyes but because they are damn Slytherins they hid it immediately. "So your a seer then huh" asked Severus. "Yes, yes I am Sev".

Sev kinda just slipped (it actually did in my typing lmao 😂). When I said it he spit out his drink coughing horribly. Looked at me and had a gaping mouth. "What wrong Sev" he just kept staring at me not saying anything. Lucious started laughing so I said "luc I seriously don't know what's funny" he froze as well. I then finished some of my breakfast quickly and head over to my secret spot in the castle that I hope is here in this time.

No ones POV
What Harry didn't know was the he left behind a flustered Severus and a flustered Malfoy. Malfoy's don't get flustered. The Gryffindors saw there states and started making fun of them causing a glare war to happen. While the other houses just sighed in defeat.

Harry's POV
I went to the tower and saw my window that had a wooden extension. I immediately climbed up to it and sat down reading my book. Maybe also thinking how did actually got here. I mean, was it lady magic or something, right then I fell asleep leaning on the wall. It was black I saw a light, that's it, the light then started to speak. "Harry so many things have happened in this time that was not supposed to. You have had a rough life because of these things. So I granted you a wish to be sent back here, fix the problems and live for once a happy live" said the voice.

"It seems you have thought of something that would go well with this plan. For that I grant you the gift of a true seer. Please use the knowledge you have wisely and fix what was broken". I then felt like I was falling and opened my eyes gasping. Still on the wooden extension my book next to my hand. So that kinda answered a lot of my question. One more thought is what about Tom Riddle??

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