Chapter 4 pals?

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Harrison POV
I couldn't help but gasped at me stepping on the stick causing all of them to look right at me. I was gonna explain myself but out of nowhere Sirius attacked me and was biting my arm. So I did the only thing I could do, turn into my animigiaus form.

When I did I heard my dad yell "SIRIUS STOP HES ONE OF US". Sirius finally looked at me in my buck form and got off of me startled at what I had turned into. I then turned back into my human form and started to cry due to the pain in my arm. I was also terrified of that side of Sirius that I saw. They tried to come close to me but I just whimpered and scooted away from them.

I started shaking due to how terrified I was. Remus sprinter behind me and hugged me while James came in front of me and grabbed my arm. I started to  violently shake in fear, since I was scared if they were gonna hurt me. I then felt Remus start to scream and him saying no no no over and over again.

There I saw it Moony, I forgot what he'd looked like for a second. He leaned in closer to me and in a gruff voice said cub. Shocking me, James and Sirius. Moony started to cuddle into me and kind of purred but more like a grumble sound..

It was soothing me and on accident I fell asleep on him.

Time skip

I wake up with lights in my eyes and hear someone shushing and saying something about closing the curtains. I felt around and noticed that this isn't my bed. I tried to move up but I felt a jolt in my right arm and laid back down groaning. I decided to open my eyes and to my utter shock the marauders were  on the bed leaning over to me.

"H-Huh wha-what happened last night" I said so confused. Dad took in a breath and said "you saw us in our animigiaus forms and out of panicked Sirius attacked you. Then you turned into your form causing us to stop. We were trying to help heal your arm but you kept scooting away from us. So Remus sprinter behind you and held you in place. Remus then on accident turned into his werewolf form. We thought you'd be dead but he said cub and started nuzzling you causing you to relax and go to sleep." James said exasperated and how much he had to explain.

"What does this mean though, I've only heard of werewolf's doing that but only when they have a bond with that person and actually like them". I said the last two words with a sadness in my voice. "*sigh* look we're sorry for picking on you, we were shocked that a Slytherin actually wanted to be our friend. We found it to good to be true so we still picked on you" Sirius said sounding like he was about to cry.

I smiled at them causing them to have shocked faces. "Well thank you for telling me the truth and helping me heh. Would you guys Luke to start over? I asked questionably. "Wait Wait after what I did in my werewolf form you still wanna be friends with us". Asked Remus in shock. I nodded my head and smiled while saying YEAH.

They smiled back at me and we reintroduced ourselves again this time more politely. "So um can you guys take me back to my house". Thank goodness for it was a weekend. They nodded there heads and James gave me a piggy back ride. I some how fell asleep on his back not having any nightmares that time.

Severus's POV
'Harrison still hasn't come back yet he wasn't even in our room when we went to go and apologize to him'. Lucious was pacing the floor like a maniac while I was biting on my nails worried for him.

When then heard a knock on the entrance and went to go and see if it was Harrison. What I saw was good and bad, good that we found Harrison, bad that it looks like the marauders injured him. All the Slytherins came over and saw Harrison and we all growled in anger.

James then gently passed Harrison over to me in my arms while they said bye and ran away. Me and Lucious immediately went to go and see if he was okay with some other of our housemates tailing us. When we placed on his bed that was scooted far away form me and Lucious's bed. We quickly fixed that and placed Harrison to find that his right arm was banged up and still a little affected.

We all worked together to fix him up and finally when 2 hours passed he was better. Sleeping soundly on his bed. "We're all gonna have to apologize to him when he wakes up tomorrow". I said and saw some other Slytherin's nod there heads in agreement.

"We're sorry Harrison".

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