zion + Brandon (continued)

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Brandon gulped hardly causing a sore pain in his throat after he did so. Brandon doubted heavily, this whole idea of a space made for him sounds like something out of a commercial ad for a closet gay honestly. Brandon looked low to avoid eye-contact with the alpha. Zion waited patiently. Zion heard every idea, assumption, guess, doubt, and comments on the self-presented gift. Zion sunk down to Brandon's face slowly, alerting Brandon to look lower than what did before to avoid eye-contact again. Zion had Brandon to the point that Brandon was stuck closer to the wall and straining his eyes to look lower and Zion was looking up to Brandon. Zion huffed at the level of avoidance that Brandon was giving him. Zion hovered over Brandon's face and Brandon quickly moved his head upwards so that Zion was looking at a lifted head and sharp chin. Zion saw the exact opposite of what Brandon thought was a stop to the stare.

Zion saw a neck wide open for him to 'bite' on.

Zion took the shot and bite into Brandon's neck. The bite sent an instant sensation to Brandon's wolf side. Brandon began to breathe quickly. Brandon loved the feeling, it caused heat to take over his body that was addicting. It caused his shift, and nobody ever caused him to shift in an intimate moment. Mainly one that reacts, in anger his heart and strength adjust, in pleasure his duality shows in a time of shift. The aggression and lust of a wolf show more but this being his first time shifting like this his brain began to waver between control and unpredictability.

Brandon tried to control himself, but the wolf side was really controlling at this point. Brandon was able to move a few steps forward off the wall and to get Zion from trapping him. Even though Brandon's body was told to act against his feelings, the mind took the other route.

Zion acted on the brain's desire, he began to kiss dangerously down Brandon's neck. One by one burned a sensation mark into Brandon's skin making Brandon back his body into the wall abruptly. Along those butterfly kisses that Zion planted in Brandon's neck, he bites into Zion collarbone causing an adrenaline-fueled the wolf lust to a high.

"Stop-, I can't control-" Brandon was interrupted when Zion spoke. "no control let me teach you to let go" Zion spoke softly in Brandon's ear, letting his lip run past his eye. Zion moved Brandon's face to make eye-contact with Zion. Brandon caught the notice of Zion's purple eyes, he began to question if he was feeling the same way he was. Maybe they were both shiftings? Brandon watched as Zion's eyes sunk to his lips. Brandon felt as Zion's hand simply pulled Brandon's bottom lip down slowly as he stared at it hungrily. Brandon froze and his heartbeat rose. Zion just eyed his lips until he sent asking eyes to kiss them to Brandon. Brandon didn't need to be asked, his brain demanded 'just do it'. Zion's lips engulfed Brandon's passionately. A slow painful make out scene drove Brandon's now very vulnerable to Zion's touch crazy, Brandon let his fogged brain rule which at this point was only begging for more than a kiss.

Zion heard all demand clear as day, but Zion's shift also has become overbearing to control, he feared removing his attention from a kiss will only cause trouble. Brandon slowly pushed Zion off his lips which were abused enough, and Zion hung on by biting on Brandon's lip until dropping it. Zion acknowledges that Brandon was fully shifted because of his glowing yellow eyes, meaning than Brandon was ready.

Zion walked Brandon to bed to lay him down while Zion crawled on top of him. Zion admired Brandon's face when he noticed aspects of beauty that weren't noticed before he slowly let his feelings spill into his attraction. Zion breathed out before he slowly kissed Brandon which Brandon willingly responded. Their lips moved at the same pace, softly and passionately. Zion deviously let his knee come in contact with Brandon's sensitive region causing Brandon to moan out under him. The pressure became greater and Brandon fell in a state of pleasure that his moans became louder. Not until Zion hand presses hardly did Brandon's moan fill Zion's ear and Brandon's head was thrown back, back arched causing a press of the two chests of the two individuals. Zion stares down and watched how he caused Brandon to be in a blissful stir. Zion kissed over the marks on Brandon's neck while increasing the touch between his hand and Brandon's jeans. Brandon was a moaning mess under the alpha and the alpha enjoyed it. Unbuckling his pants, a hasty Brandon was stopped by a punishing Zion. Zion leaned down in Brandon's ear and mumble sweet nothing and evilly said "wait, I'll have you when I want you" Zion smirked.

Brandon fighting the eager nerves that run through his body to force Zion to hurry and touch him, he needed a way to fight his bodies urges and distract himself. But a distraction always has a big price.

Brandon bites into Zion's neck deeply causing a wave of pleasure to run through Zion's body. Zion's body then felt weak at the explosion of these sensitive sensations that wouldn't stop caused him to groan deeply constantly. As Brandon watched for a time, only then did he feel a burst of the same feeling, a continuous sensation of pleasure uncontrollable that had them both in a mess of a state on the bed.

Zion felt his grip on Brandon's loose and so did Brandon. Zion tried to hold but the sensation distracted him greatly, which was more powerful than Brandon's. Brandon felt the magic that made the saferoom leave. Brandon and Zion's eyes opened at the same time in reality in the room. Zion fell to the floor feeling the same feeling he did in the saferoom and Brandon did the same. The sensation quickly turned into a burning spike on their bites, engraving markings on each other.

Zion understood instantly what that meant, while Brandon just felt an unknown pain.

"What's happening, why does it hurt?" Brandon held his neck trying to let his cool hands weaken the heat that took a toll on his neck. It was a marking. A marking that would bind two mating wolves to one another forever. Zion's wolf healing began to kick in and later did Brandon's.

"You marked me," Zion said angrily, and Brandon stood confused like a lost kid that was in trouble.

"What-what's a mark," Brandon asked innocently seeing the heated alpha become frustrated.

Brandon didn't understand that the marking would lock the two individuals together and no other causing an immortal bond that would never be broken, all for a moment of temporary distraction until now.

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