Chapter 6

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I watch Chelsey from the back room, Louise walks over and sets a wing on my shoulder, I look back at her and she smiles warmly, I smile back and look to Chelsey, Xander sitting on the floor with the cub that Ross had with him, Ross sat watching the two.

"I left Ross in there instead of you because we have another lead. Your good friend from the train let out a bit more info after we got in touch with him in the interrogation room. Someone in town, a big shoe business owner with his penthouse in his main building apparently had Blue over for dinner signing off a deal. Guess what. His receptionist was found dead in a parking lot a little ways away, with burn marks, and we tracked her stolen car out in Washington, for some reason. He's really high-tailing it to Canada." She says, handing me a folder, with pictures from security cameras of Baskin in the penthouse, along with a picture of Baskin, setting flames to the area around him, which included the poor old secretary. Only her teeth were identifiable.

"Louise. Watch Chelsey for me, okay? She's family, and although I can't say she deserves it in my eyes, she needs help...good help, from people like USSIDA professionals, so do me a solid, and keep a watch on her while I'm gone." I say, Louise nods and I pick up my coat, swinging it over my arm, I walk outside but stop as I'm hailed by the dragon from the medical lab.

"Hey, I uh. When you get back to come and see me, I want to test out a new product from the Science and Medicines lab. We have some tech we think you'd be interested in checking out, especially for the long run with Baskin." Ross says and I nod, he walks off, hurriedly, and I turned around to head back to the garage, opening the door to it, I sigh and pull on my coat, straddling the bike, I press my hand into the handprint shaped outline in the middle of the bike and it revs to life, but quiets down soon, due to it is one of the first electric bikes ever made, therefore it was quiet, and stealthy.

I place my mask on my face and it clips in. "Vex, open Garage door nine, and lead me downtown to K's Shoe Distributor and Manufacturing main building, top floor. I want to keep it stealthy, and I don't want to have to enter the building until I'm at the top floor, so get me the grapple ready as we ride." I say, and a beep sounds with a confirming whir, I rev the bike again before taking off out into the road, shooting down the countryside quickly, my coat flapping in the wind behind me, my mask showing me the quickest route, I take a sharp turn at a stop sign, causing a barrage of honking from behind me, I ignore it as I speed up down the road, but soon slow down as I come upon the busier roads.

I soon come upon a tall building, fifty floors at the least, with a well-lit inside, and it tucked away next to multiple shorter buildings, people walking back and forth on the walkway, I park the bike in front of the building and get off, walking into one of the alleys, I look around before I take a run-up to the building, kicking off it, I flip around and grab a fire exit railing, hoisting myself up, I walk up to the top of the building next to it, taking me roughly ten to twelve floors up, I pull back my right sleeve and aim my arm up, a grapple shooting out, I feel it tug against my arm and then click a button on the bottom, the grapple pulling me up with surprising speed.

I make it to the top of the building quickly, met with a skylight, leading into a well known office, the floor carpeted with a red color, expensive-looking shoes on display along the walls, expensive couches and tables littering the area, a rich mahogany desk standing at the end of the room with a large and fancy white and gold decorated chair. Two people stood at the desk, the chair turned to face away from them, I notice a hand wave them away and they exit the room quickly.

I stand on the skylight and pull out my gun, firing down on the skylight, I drop through and land on the floor with a quiet drop, although it was hard, and the glass ruined the quietness, the chair turns around to reveal a small, pug dog, wearing an all-white suit, with golden earrings and a gold chain around his neck, he stands up, fixing his cuffs before walking towards me.

"I know why you're here, mercenary...I can assure you, I won't be dying tonight." He says, and guards bust in the doorway, guns clicking and cocking at the sight of me, I hold my paws up, holstering my gun before speaking, my voice changing pitches randomly as I speak, but marginally keeps a deep stature.

"I'm here to talk about Baskin Desiro. From what I know is that he killed your assistant, merely hours after signing a now terminated deal with you for a clothing line. I'm currently trying to locate him, and a few others, so if you would kindly tell me where he planned ongoing, I'd be happy to leave you."

"That's what I was gonna ask." I hear someone in the shadows speak and pull out my gun, firing into the shadows, it hits a wall and I whip around, to be met by a similar height sabertooth, with large green eyes and muscular stature, easily more muscular than me, a deep simmer in his eyes. I jumped back and holster my gun, holding my arms and paws out slowly and nervously, the guards retreat quickly as K, the shoe manufacturer slowly returns to his chair.

"Boys, boys. I can help you both, seeing as you have a similar goal, so please sit. And do remove the mask, it's impolite." He says with a smile, I growl and take my mask, it folds up and Peyton looks at me with a confused look and I mutter.

"USSIDA...Retrieval division 999." I say and he looks more content.

"You were that lone worker guy, uh...Seeker. Huh. Thought you retired?" Peyton asks, and I nod.

"Yea well then you went AWOL and now Baskin's apparently rising an army of power-hungry freaks in Canada...Yea I did my research, I know firearms don't do shit against those things, so hey, lucky me." I say and sit, K looks from me to Peyton before starting.

"All those power-hungry freaks are dead minus ... Myself, Channing, and thou who shall not be named," Peyton grunts.

K started talking quickly. "Baskin came in, talking about getting a clothing line started, and asked for a beginning payment in sales, practically ordered me to give it to him, so I did, he's a real scary mofo, you know? Anyways, he left after signing, and I thought I got an inescapable win, we had planned to meet up the next day at the creator's studio, build upon some shoes, hell maybe some caps or necklaces. Nope! He runs off with the money, the lease, and kills my assistant, then steals her fucking car, and the authorities haven't managed to get ANYTHING done. AT ALL! So, I'm actually glad, thrilled even, that you're here." He says, with a grin.

"Well, our next stop is Washington, so if you'll excuse me, I think I'll be off to go find our culprit," I say, standing, I raise the mask up to my face, but stop as K talks to me.

"How's Chelsey doing? Michael, you can't run forever...come back to the family man. We miss you, a lot." He says, and I grunt, walking out the doors to his office, and soon the large sabertooth is next to me, following close.

"What the hell are you doing following me?" I ask, looking to him, he shrugs.

"I want to find Baskin, and I have a group of people in a plane at the airport that agrees, and are waiting for my return. I think you should meet up with us. Don't bring Ross and Louise." He says before splitting our paths, he walks down the street opposite the entrance and I just walk over to the motorcycle, placing my mask on my face.

"Vex, please set coordinates for Quelington airport. Don't put this in the database, and don't let Ross OR Louise know." I ask, my face that of worry, but it soon changed from that. I had to do this in secret.

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