Friends, Marriage, and Everything Inbetween!

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  • Dedicated to Kirsten l.

                                     ***Guys just so you know who is in a relationship with who:

Kirsten & Ed Sheeran........Sadie/me & Zayn Malik........Haley & Shane Dawson (awesome youtuber)........Rhiannon & Niall Horan........Claire & Liam Payne........Izzy & Louis Tomlinson........Emma & Harry Styles***

    "Where are they?" "They'll be here babe, I promise." "20 minutes ago. 20 minutes ago they were supposed to be here!" "Do you want me to call Zayn again?" "No, call Liam this time." "Ok" he said. Just then her mom came inside the dressing room. "Kirsten, Ed the wedding was supposed to start half an hour ago. What is going on?" Kirsten started to cry. "No, no sweetheart. No crying on our day. I won't allow it!" He ran over and hugged her. "Where are they?" "I don't know but I promise you, I will find out." Ed walked out of the room. He grabbed his phone and called Liam. "Finally!!! Where the fuck are you guys? Do you know how late you are?" "Ed, Ed! Turn around." Ed turned around slowly. There Liam stood looking at him and gave a little wave. Me, Haley, Rhiannon, Claire, Izzy, Emma, Zayn, Niall, Louis,Harry, and shane tried soooooo hard not to laugh but sadly, it didn't work. Ed slapped Liam and then grabbed the 7 bridesmaids hands and guided us into the dressing room. "What the fucking hell is wrong with you!?" Kirsten yelled when she saw us walk inside the dressing room. "Kirsten we are so sorry. The limo broke down and there was absolutly no cell service." We ran up and hugged her. "I love you babe!" I cried. Louis came in. "Stop all the crying we all need to get dressed ASAP!" We hurried out of our clothes and got into our dresses and very quickly did our hair and make-up. The service began. It was exactly what she wanted. It was where the first "Harry Potter" movie was filmed and it was with the guy of her dreams. We couldn't be happier for her. Oh, did I mention That I designed and made her wedding dress for her. Well, I did, with her input of course. So she walked down the isle,slowly yet steady. Powerfull yet graceful. Beautiful yet edgy, and she was loving every second of it. When Kirsten got up to the alter we all got teary eyed mostly because her and ed were teary eyed. "We are here on this lovely day to support the love between these 2 amazing human beings. Kirsten Lutley and Ed sheeran. Kirsten, do you promise to love, support, help, and guide him through the rest of your lives?" "I do" she responded. "And do you Mr. Ed Sheer-." "Absolutly 100 percent, I do" "In that case, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Ed you may kiss your bride." He pulled her close and kissed her for a long 2 minutes. Then they smiled at each other and ran down the isle into the huge stretch limo followed by myself, Haley, Rhiannon, Claire, Izzy, Emma, Zayn, Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Shane.

                                                              *** IN THE LIMO ***

             "Cheers!!!" I yelled. We all toasted each other and laughed. "First stop...Nandos!" yelled Rhiannon. "Actually that sounds good right now." Ed replied. "What do you think babe?" gesturing to Kirsten. There was a long pause and then, "Why not!" she said. Everyone cheered and within 5 minutes we were pulled into the parking lot of Nandos. Before the car was in park, Ed opened the door, hopped out of the car, and ran into the resturaunt, and not far behind was Niall and then Harry. All of us girls kicked off our heels and were helped out of the car by shane, then Louis, then Zayn, and last but not least Liam who helped Kirsten, Emma, and Rhiannon. We walked into Nandos and Ed, Niall, and Harry were already eating their favorites. Me, Kirsten, Haley, Claire, and Rhiannon sat down at a table and opened up the bottle of wine I snuck out of the limo. Izzy and Emma went over to the counter and asked for a bunch of cups. When they came back I poured 14 cups of wine but, Liam didn't want his so Kirsten and Ed shared it. We all got our food to go including Ed, Niall, and Harry who had gotten extra to bring home and loaded into the limo. "Well that was fun right love?" Ed asked Kirsten. "Yeah it was but, it's not over yet. Tell everyone where we're going babe!" Kirsten replied. Everyone looked at each other in a sence of confusion. "Since you all are our closest friends" he smiled and took Kirstens hands. "We decided that it was be nice to take everyone on our honeymoon to....... Barbados!!!" We all screamed with excitment. "Oh my God! Thank you!" I yelled. "You're the best!" said Haley. "We love you guys!" shouted Liam. There was a bunch of other shouts and screams but when we pulled into the airport and noticed that someone had packed all of our bags and had them waiting for us that's when the loudest and longest screams came. "Next stop...Barbados!!!" yelled Kirsten and we all filed out of the limo, grabbed our bags, and got onto our private plane. "This is going to be the best 2 weeks ever." Zayn said. Then he turned and smiled at me and I kissed him before running up the stairs of the plane and picking out our seats

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