Friends, Marriage, and Everything Inbetween!

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                 "We only want a small reward...I promise. Come to the cave at midnight...only the bride and a brave side kick. When you enter the cave, take the card. Read it silently. When you hear his voice.......repeat the bottom paragraph written in red. Speak louder until you hear the voice dissapear. The red ink will be gone. This is the last's the most important so read it carefully and follow it exactly: Once the red ink is shown on the walls...follow it. You have to turn the corner and get to the small remote. Put in the codes. There's 4 of them. They are located in the following places throughout your journey. They are the only thing's that can help you save your friends. They control EVERYTHING!" Kirsten read the instructions on the note left by the shadow. She paused after that. She kept flipping the note over and mumbling words that we couldn't understand.

       "Kirsten" I walked up to her. "Kirsten, where are the places that the codes are?" I asked. She looked up at me, tears filling her eyes. "Kirsten r-read the r r rest of th the note please!" I stuttered. "Liam took the note out of her hands and hugged her. "The rest is scratched off." he said. "There's only a few letters scattered here and there." I started to cry. Harry ran over and grabbed me. Halley,Claire, and Zayn ran over to me also. Niall and Rhiannon walked up to Kirsten telling her it was ok and that this was all probably just some trick or something. Izzy and Louis took the note and began to examine it. Zayn told everyone to just go away for a minute while he talked to me. I started to spaz and scream. Zayn kept holding me and yelling at me to calm down but I thrashed around trying to free his grip. It didn't work. We ended up with him on top of me laying on the ground stroking my hair and telling me he loves me but i really need to go to and anger management doctor. This was true. I got angry easily.

               "OK!!!" Louis yelled. "For now...let's just find a place to sleep. We can find a police station and report it in the morning."

        "Louis...we are in the middle of absolutly nowhere. Look around. We're obviously not going to find a local hotel anywhere close." Shane said approaching Louis. "I mean really...use your brain for once. Now you could see the anger in Louis' eye's.

             "You know what shane?" Louis yelled getting more and more into Shane's face. "Why don't you just shut up! I'm trying to help everybody but you're just making things worse. No one wants to here your voice right now. They got in each others faces and we knew this wasnt going to end well.

            "Guys stop now! It's not funny! You're being absolutly ridiculous!" Rhiannon yelled.

             "Rhi stop!" Niall grabbed her arm. "Just let them work it out."

             "Unbelievable." Rhiannon looked really pissed. "I'm so done! You're always siding with the other person. It's like you don't give a damn about your girlfriend!"

               "You know... I'm getting really tired of you saying I don't care about you when you know you mean everything to me!"

                "Do I?" She looked at him, tears filling her eyes. Pepare yourself Sadie...There's going to be some tears on your shoulder. "Do I really mean everything to you? Because I don't feel the same way about you anymore."

                  "Rhiannon, Don't do this to me. Please. It's not worth losing you" Niall said walking up to her since she had stumbled away out of anger. "We'll both regret it and you know that."

                   "I don't think so." she said. With that she walked over to a little hill and sat down trying to comprehend what just happened. They really just broke up. That was all I had to say. Niall stood there for a minute. His face was partly confused and partly angry. He truely loved her and we all knew that. Rhiannon just needed to notice that. Louis and Shane were now being seperated by Harry and Liam. It wasn't working. Within a matter of seconds Shane pushed Louis and Louis pushed him back and they just started punching each other. Izzy started to cry and Halley just walked away looking embarrased. She came over to me and Zayn who were now walking over to Rhiannon. Kirsten and Claire were sitting on the ground watching the sunset. They didn't care about what was going on.

                   "Halley don't worry about it." Zayn told her. "They'll get over it." Halley just nodded her head and I put my arm around her resting my head on her shoulder. We made our way over to Rhiannon and sat down. She started to cry and I hugged her. She squeezed me tightly and I knew that wasn't the only reason she was upset.

                  I nudged Zayn. "Hey babe, ummmm... why don't you go sit by Kirsten and Claire for a little while?"

                " problem. Don't worry love. Everythings going to be fine." he kissed Rhiannon's forehead and jogged over to Kirsten and Claire.

              "What's going on?" I asked her.

                 "What do you mean?" she reponded. I gave her an "I-know-something's-not-right" look. "Ok after we came home from Liam's birthday party." I cut her off.

             "You came to my house afterwards remember?"

               "Yeah...after that I meant. Well It was three in the morning so I just stayed at Niall's house because he didn't want me to drive home. So we were laying down and he started playing with my hair. Then when I started to giggle he started to rub my back and we were kissing and he asked me if I was in the mood and-." I cut her off again.

                    "Ok so you 2 had sex so what?"

               She looked up at me and grabbed my hand. She placed it on her stomach. "Oh my god!"

            "Please tell me it's not what I think it is!" Halley whispered.

               "I'm pregnant." Rhiannon managed to say inbetween sniffles and tears.

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