Friends, Marriage, and Everything Inbetween!

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There were three sets of seats that faced each other. (2 seats per set) Zayn plopped down next to me. To our left were Louis and Izzy and to our right were Kirsten and Ed. Across the plane was Haley and Shane and Harry and Emma. And finally, behind us was Rhiannon and Niall and Liam and Claire. We buckled in and took off as soon as our bags were packed away. The flight atendant came over and offered us either wine, coffee, or water. "I'll have a water please and wine for the very lovely bride and groom." Zayn replied. "Hey everyone... Zayn's buying!" yelled Ed. Everyone laughed. "I'll have a coffee please." I said to the atendant. "Sure." She responded. "And for either of you 2?" she asked. "No thanks we're ok for now Louis replied. She walked to the other passengers and took their order. She came back with everything and flipped our table down. After she gave all of us our beverages she told us she would be right back with our chips and snacks. We all said thank you and she walked away."Kirsten rested her head on Ed's shoulder. He turned his head and kissed her fore-head. "Awwww!" Zayn and I whispered simotaniously. "Oh look at the 2 little lovebirds." "Louis, stop that!" Izzy kept telling Louis to stop making little remarks for 10 more minutes as we talked and gossiped. It was fun to be with the people I love and who love me. Everything was going great until suddenly the lights went out. We heard a really loud scream. Zayn grabbed me and I held his body tightly. "What's going on!" I screamed. I could hear Ed telling Kirsten it was ok and that there was probably just a small problem with the lights. The lights came back on within 2 or 3 minutes. When they finally came back on, we all looked around asking if everyone was ok. But, something wasn't right. Where was Ed? Kirsten started to cry and I unbuckled and sat next to her holding her tightly. I gestured for Zayn to get up and look for him and he did. Harry and Niall also unbuckled and began searching for him. Where was the flight atendant? Why hadn't she come in to check on us by now? Rhiannon and Izzy had gotten up to see if Kirsten was ok. She just kept crying and screaming things that were to hard to understand. All of a sudden the lights went out again except for the 2 small ones by the door to where the pilot sat. The door slowly opened. A dark shadow of a person came out holding 2 fingers up. "I have taken 2 of your friends." it said. "It was stupid of you to enter this part of Barbados. Now you will have to recieve your punishment." It slammed a fist into the wall and we all screamed. Then It opened a door to the plane. We noticed we were on the ground. "What's going on?" someone yelled. Then the plane stopped. Ed, the flight atendant, and the pilot came walking out of the pilot's room. You could see that Ed had clearly been crying and so had the pilot but not the flight atendant. As a matter of fact, she was smiling. "Good work Amelia!" the shadow said. "Thanks!" replied the flight atendant.She walked up to Kirsten and pushed Rhiannon, Izzy and I away. Emma walked up to the Amelia. "Hey! you better think twice about putting 1 more finger on any of those girls because I swear to God I-". Amelia grabbed Emma and threw her out of the plane. "We'll take her too!" she yelled to the shadow. "Wait what are y..." Kirsten tried to say, but Amelia covered her mouth. "We warned you!" she said. And with that she grabbed Ed,Emma, and the pilot, shoved them into an SUV and then Clapped her Hands 3 times. The SUV somehow turned into a piece of paper left there on the ground. Shane and Halley ran over to the note. Shane picked it up and opened it. He read it silently. When he finished he had a very worried look on his face. Kirsten ran over and began to read it aloud. 

Friends, Marriage, and Everything Inbetween!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt