Friends, Marriage, and Everything Inbetween!

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         "Babe, a-are you s-sure?" Niall replied. Rhiannon nodded her head. "And, it-it's mine?." She nodded her head again. Everyone was silent for a minute. Niall leaned over and kissed her stomach. Rhiannons eyes were begining to fill with tears and when Niall looked up, we discovered that his were too. They hugged each other, trying not to make any noise and wake the others. We sat and talked and watched the sun rise for about 3 hours. When what we predicted was 7:00 came, everyone began to awake. We all gathered at "base camp" where Zayn and I stood on a tree trunck and started the meeting. We explained that we would set out today to try to find any help, or atmospere. While Zayn was explaining, Rhiannon and Niall came up to me. I stepped off the tree trunck and we walked away so we weren't distracting anyone.

     "What's up?" I asked.

    "We want to tell if it's ok." Rhiannon replied. I looked at Niall. I could tell he wasn't ok with this but he wanted this baby and if he pissed Rhiannon off, he knew she would leave him...again. And if she left, then so did the baby.

    "Niall?" I looked at him waiting for him and wanting him to say: no, we need to wait and make sure it's true, but instead he just looked away and nodded his head silently, his eyes wandering elsewhere trying not to make contact with either Rhiannon's or mine. "It's your call." i said. With that Zayn walked over. Apperently he could hear us.

     "So who's going to tell them?" he asked. We all paused and looked at each other.

    Finally Niall spoke up and responded, "I will." He walked over to the tree trunk and asked for everyone's attention. He then motioned Rhiannon over to him. "Hi everybody. Ummmm... I have something to tell you. It's going to be hard on all of us and Rhiannon was the only person who knew about it before the wedding came." He looked at Rhiannon and shot her a very innoscent yet painful smile before trying to continue. She attempted to smile back but it came out as just her rubbing her lips together. "Rhiannon and I are...are going to be parents." he finally said. Everone gasped and smiled and a few cried. Niall was just about to open his mouth to say something else when someone shrieked. It was Kirsten. We all turned to see if she was ok and Zayn, Harry and Halley ran over to her.

      "What's wrong?" Zayn asked picking her up off the ground. She had blood on her hands from where she was holding the wound on her arm. Halley grabbed her arm and studied the scratches that had just appeared there. She dropped her arm and walked away covering her mouth and starting to cry. I walked over to her and asked what was wrong. Look at her arm was what I could make out from her insane breathing. She began to frantically look around everywhere. I took Kirstens arm in my hands. I looked at it closely. In big bloody letters, carved into her arm said: Look up at the rock. I slowly lifted my head up and saw the same dark shadow we had seen on the plane. It held up a bloody knife and we heard it laugh very evily. Again, it clapped it's hands three times and went away and all that was left was a note that looked exactly the same as the one before.

       Rhiannon and Niall were already meeting Zayn and I to the rock where the note had been left. Once more We picked it up and began to read it aloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2012 ⏰

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