Friends, Marriage, and Everything Inbetween!

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                  "YOU WHAT?!" Halley and I yelled simultaneously. Rhiannon began to cry. She put her head between her legs.

                "Rhiannon, we didn't meen to make you feel bad. It's just." I stopped mid-sentence. What was I going to tell her? Your 22 and your boyfriend got you knocked up and you just broke up with him and he has NO IDEA!!! That would be the most correct way to say it but no one in the right mind would.

               "I know I know. I'm a slut. You don't want anything to do with me but you can't tell Niall, You just can't." She yelled. "It was a dumb mistake and as soon as we get out of this hell trap I'm going to fix it."

             "And how the hell do you plan on "fixing it"." I asked her. "It's not like you can just kill it and dump it in the nearest resturants garbage can." I was so frusterated. How could she be so irresponsible?

                "Sadie!" Halley screamed at me. Rhiannon got up now and was approaching me since I had walked away in anger. "I've never heard you like this. When did you get so rude?" She snarled.

                "Halley, how are you mad at me right now!? I'm not the one who's pregnant, Boyfriend-less, and being an irresponsible slut." Now Rhiannon was really pissed. She was walking up to me and I knew she wanted to kill me. I honestly didn't blame her. I was being a horrible friend right now. "Rhiannon, i- I'm sorry. I'm just...surprised and." She cut me off.

               "Sorry to bother you." She said gritting her teeth at me. She walked away. Halley and I were left standing there and I could tell I was going to get it from her.

                 "What is wrong with you?" Halley said in a hushed voice. Her eyes were filling with tears. "You got a boyfriend and turned into...into...I don't even know what to call it. It changed you. I guess you can't handle the fame." She shook her head and ran to catch up with Rhiannon who was now walking behind some trees.

                 "Halley." I whispered before falling to my knees and bawling my eyes out. Zayn saw me on the ground and came running over. He told me that he had heard everything we said. I burrowed my head into his neck and cryed. He held me tightly and said he would do everything he possibly could to make things right. Liam called everyone over to "Base camp" as he called it. He said that a few of us had been thinking that we would camp here for tonight and find help in the morning. He gave each of the couples a special area for everyone to stay. We all agreed on this. There were about 6 people in an "Area". We grabbed our sweatshirts and other belongings from the plane and began to fall asleep. After what felt like an hour, Zayn told me to stay where I was. We were laying on a blanket under a short tree about 6 feet off the ground. He crept over to Rhiannon and Halley's campsite which was about 8 yards from us. He woke them up and asked them to come over to me so we could talk. They agreed. The first thing Rhiannon said to me was: is he the only person you told? I nodded my head because this was true. I told everyone else that we got into a small dissagreement.

               "I didn't meen what I said." I blurted out. I was shushed by all of them.

              "Keep your voice down." Zayn whispered in my ear.

               "I know you didn't but it hurt. And I know that this is going to be hard for all of us and it won't be long before people start to figure out what's going on but I'm asking for help." Rhiannon replied. Halley and I both looked at her confused. "I need to tell Niall." She waited a moment and we knew she was going to say more. "I want to tell him right now. It would just be easier." She looked like she was about to cry.

                "Fine." Zayn replied. "Wait here." He got up and began to walk over to Niall. We couldn't hear what was going on but soon enough they were both walking over to where we were sitting and plopped down.

              There was a long pause and then finally Rhiannon spoke up and said, "Niall,...there's something I need to tell you."

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