Possible Reprisal (34)

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-1248 Military Hours
-Drossal, Royal Palace

Amongst the various officials seated in the room, I sense the confusion lingering in the air. Talks of disbelief, surprise and more make up the comments in the wake of my arrival.

An apt reaction to the incident that shattered the calm just after dawn, in the form of the humans. One of their aerial constructs, alone propelled by its strange wings, desperately speeding towards the palace with its intentions then, unknown.

The city's airfleet was spurred into alert, fearing it to be the herald of a Spearhead raid. The misunderstanding fortunately was put to a close, never to be repeated.

Having enough reminiscing, I place my hands behind my back, addressing the influential people before me.

"You have my thanks, all of you, " I eye each one of them, glancing over many notable faces, "...for coming here. It is no lie to say this meeting is of significant importance."

"Please elaborate yourself Thellius, there isn't much in that message you've sent. Which leads me to presume that you have secrets that cannot escape this room?"

"In a way, you are correct," I reply to the Minister of Preparations. "There might be a breakthrough with the humans, they have decided to forego all their efforts in hiding their knowledge."

"Any reason why they would do such a thing?"

"I can't fathom a reason, but that is why you all are gathered here." I step back towards the door, keeping my eyes trained on everyone, including the three guards standing outside the balcony.

After giving the door three solid knocks, I step aside, fully expecting the wide swing of its refined wood. The air itself draws to a halt, anticipation filling the ambiance as the newcomers walk inside. Mystery and intrigue hovers over their forms, the differences notable in almost every aspect of their beings.

Vanguarding the way inside are their warriors, dissimilar from the ones I've been accustomed to seeing, but still holding that edge of immaculate discipline as they cast cold gazes all around. They match the reports given by Highlander Inora of the 21st Royal Cohort, warriors of regular stature she places them under.

A different helmet is worn by them, allowing me a glimpse at their features, eyes included, which confirms they are indeed living beings.

"Riley, take the rest and form up along that wall," the one in the lead mutters, the strange consonants given off by the verbal display of their language defying my attempts to inwardly brand it as familiar.

"Got it."

Their eyes hold a firm glint, one of them even regards me with a nod as they take up positions along the walls with well practiced footwork, paving the way for their emissary to step inside.

Dressed in a coat of styled black, the human Emissary Cooper makes his way in. His eyes still hold onto a deeply woven thread of worry, making me wonder again what was it that caused his people to... break their sworn oath of secrecy.

"The influential leaders of this city, as you have requested," one of my personal guards directs a hand outstretched to the empty podium at the foremost area of the room, guiding Cooper towards it.

"Thank you," he replies cordially, showing the enchantment on the translation necklace is working as intended.

A certain measure of uncertainty shows through the Emissary's actions as he proceeds, his steps watched by curious pairs of eyes. Two of his warriors follow him up to the podium, standing at attention with their weapons shown for all to see, guarding his personal space with their imposing aura.

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