Hope Against All Odds (38)

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-0946 Military Hours
-Vallen Island, Fortress city of Leentar

The world is silent, perceptions muddled from dawn to dusk. The regret still stains my consciousness, even as this darkness consumes my soul.

There is nothing in this, my senses remaining dulled for an untold amount of time. While adrift in this prison of black, there was little else I could do but... think.

Restlessness takes hold of me, and yet my body stubbornly refuses to heed my mind. Only my thoughts fall under my control it seems.

A flare blossoms in this void, and I feel my spirit drawn to it. What will await me there? A new life perhaps, or an eternal paradise of wonders just as the Seers described. It consumes me, whatever is left of me and I let my soul become undone to this beacon of light.

Its warmth cradles my skin, in a way a mother would her child. With this feeling of peace within, I open my eyes meeting the eternal colours of green and blue.

An open field across a rolling meadow, blue skies rendered pure by drifting clouds, with not a person in sight. It feels unreal, even with the grass nestled between my toes. Soft whispers of the breeze cater to my ears as I will my legs to move, treading through the empty, yet haunting looking plains.

Like a dream, it all did not make sense. My senses were muffled, and with no where to go, I simply gaze at the strange lands before me. It was lonely.

As my time here lengthens, I find myself yearning for someone else to be here as well. Anything to answer the brewing question sailing over my thoughts.

Where am I?

My golden locks flicker about in this wind as I feel a presence behind, casting shadows along the grass to the left. Already I know this figure to be tall perhaps even imposing, but the meek shadows of its shoulders speak of this person being a woman.

"Welcome." The voice says, feminine and sweet like freshly made honey. A light within the dark that is this strange place, like an Angel.

I turn around, seating my gaze on the mysterious woman, questions at the ready. She stood there, a smile on her face and looking no more than fifty seasons old. As our eyes meet, I could only offer this young lady a silent greeting.

She was dressed in traditional Koyee robes, ancient articles of clothing not worn since the departure from the main lands of the far north. It was odd seeing a garb like this, more so given its pristine condition. Vibrant green with silvery locks of gold patterned around her waist, beautiful just as the archives proclaimed.

"W-who... are you?" I ask, cautious of her all knowing smile. Taking a step forward, the woman lifts a hand, levitating a crystal trinket in her palm for my eyes to see.

It radiates a wave of power beyond anything its size, making me question who the person before me is. More questions fill my heart as I meet the woman with a steely gaze, her bright golden eyes reflecting the sun like the purest of gems.

"You know me, you've always known," she mutters, shattering the crystal in her hand with her magic. She beckons me to her side and I accept, deciding to offer her my companionship as we stroll through the empty fields.

The silence between us continues and I look to the sky above, thoughts driven to a halt. The question still remains, where am I.

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